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  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
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  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

What are the characteristics of Hillfield College? What are the courses?

  Hillfield College is located in Hamilton, a port city in southeastern Ontario, Canada. It is located to the west of Toronto and north of Niagara Falls. It has a very convenient transportation environment. The school was established in 1901 and has developed to the present. With more than a hundred years of history of the establishment of the school, many outstanding students have been cultivated. So the question is, what do you know about the characteristics of Hillfield College? What are the courses? Next, the editor will take everyone to learn about the relevant introductions for your reference.

  Hillfield College Features

  • 100% of graduates enter university, and 80% of graduates receive Ontario scholarships;

  • The school provides a total of 90 credits of rich courses for students to choose from, in addition to the credit courses required by the Ontario Ministry of Education;

  • The school has provided students with professional one-on-one academic guidance from the 9th grade;

  • The school provides AP courses;

  • The school provides ESL courses;

  • The school provides SAT and PSAT test counseling;

  • The school provides unique courses in music, drama, visual art, art design, mechanical design, computer 3D design, multimedia design, etc.;••

  • The school provides a variety of outdoor teaching courses and activities to cultivate students' teamwork and leadership;

  • The school provides students with opportunities for international exchanges;

  •Tradition and innovation coexist in extracurricular activities, such as HSC club knowledge quiz, HSC international film festival, Manhattan club sorority, etc.;

  • The school maintains close contact with parents and pays close attention to the growth of students;

  • The school introduces the house mechanism. The school is divided into four houses, represented by yellow, orange, red, and blue. The houses compete on a friendly basis to strengthen team building and improve students' ability;

  • The school provides school buses to pick up and drop off students;

  • The school provides nutritious and varied lunches;

  • School celebrities have emerged in large numbers and have played important roles in various industries in Canada.

  Hillfield College Courses

  ESL courses;

  Ontario kindergarten to 12th grade course; Ontario high school diploma course;

  AP courses offered (Advanced Placement)

  Calculus AB, European History, French, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics

  Interest clubs and activities opened

  Football, basketball, rowing, shooting, wrestling, badminton, ice hockey, Cross-Country running, swimming, theater, music, visual arts, mechanical design, architectural shooting, computer design, 3D design, multimedia design

  Hillfield College application materials


  Chinese-English translation of birth certificate + notarization

  Application form

  Application fee

  Chinese and English translation + notarization of transcripts in the past two years

  Applications for grades 9-12 need to submit language scores, IELTS/ITEP/TOEFL

  Hilfield College Study Abroad Expenses

  1) Application fee: $250

  2) Tuition: $30,469

  3) Registration fee: $4,500

  4) Insurance: $750

  5) Host family: $12,000

  6) Total: $49,594/Year

  The above is a detailed introduction of what are the characteristics of Hillfield College. Nowadays, the social economy has improved a level compared with the last century, and many families have the ability to send their children to study abroad, so studying abroad is also a very common thing. Yes, I believe that many students have many questions about the country, tuition, majors, institutions, application materials and other aspects of applying for studying abroad. No more doubts, IDP studying abroad has the most professional people who will answer for you. Welcome everyone. Enthusiastic consultation from partners!

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