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Is the Canadian Bishop's Middle School good? What courses are set up?

  The Bishop's High School is located in Sherbrooke, Quebec, a French-speaking Canadian province. It is the oldest English private school in Quebec and the fourth oldest English private school in Canada. It has a long history of development and rich teaching resources, attracting many international students to apply. At this college, then the question is, everyone knows how good is the Canadian Bishop's High School? What courses are set up? Next, the editor will take everyone to learn about the relevant introductions for your reference.

  Canadian Bishop's Middle School is good

  The Bishop’s College was established in 1836 as a boys’ school. In 1972, it merged with King’s Hall Compton Girls’ School to become a co-ed secondary school. The Bishop’s College is now one of the top independent high schools in Canada. In the 2009 Canadian Association of Independent Secondary Schools ranking, the Bishop’s College ranked fifth among private joint schools in Canada. There are currently about 240 students in the school from 34 countries, of which 75% are boarding.

  The Bishop’s College uses a unique teaching method to guide the students individually. It has achieved outstanding results for a long time. It has always been among the best in the ranking of Canadian secondary schools. It is a star school with a prosperous learning style. In addition, the school’s university consultants will help each student choose a suitable school and major based on each student’s interests, abilities and wishes. Year 12 students can also earn university credits by taking courses at the Bishop's University. At the same time, the school guides students to prepare for the TOEFL and SAT standard tests, and the Bishop’s College is the official SAT test site.

  Almost 100% of the graduates of the Bishop's College are admitted to prestigious universities in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Students who have graduated from Bishop’s College over the years can apply to ideal universities such as Stanford, McGill, University of Toronto, Colby, Brown, Queen’s, Bowdoin, University of Pennsylvania, and American University of Paris.

  The school occupies an area of about 240 acres, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there is enough space to meet the needs of students in all aspects. The college has top-level sports facilities in Canada, including two basketball courts, tennis courts, squash courts, multiple outdoor sports fields for football, rugby, hockey and other sports, 40-foot indoor rock climbing, and indoor ice skating rink. The campus is also home to a student center, a historic canteen, a library, 2 teaching buildings equipped with advanced facilities and laboratories, as well as 5 male dormitories and 2 female dormitories for students. Within walking distance, students can also use the university’s standard swimming pool and participate in local golf courses.

  Canadian Bishop's Secondary School Program

  1. Science: Biochemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Robotics, Astronomy

  2. Mathematics: General Mathematics Calculus

  3. Literature: English Language and Art English Literature English as a Second Language Chinese/Spanish French French as a Second Language French as a Foreign Language

  4. Social Science: History Canadian/Quebec History Management Social Studies Psychology Macro/Microeconomics Ethics Geography Politics Law Anthropology Accounting

  5. Art: Fine Arts, Drama Performance, Music

  Features of Canadian Bishop's High School

  -Co-educational boarding/day school.

  -Provide English and French bilingual teaching, students can choose to use any language to choose courses.

  -ESL courses. (Grade 7-10)

  -Provide AP courses.

  -One-to-one writing tutoring center, and math/physics tutoring center.

  -Accept international students in grades 7-12.

  -The ratio of students to teachers is 7:1.

  The above is a detailed introduction of how well the Canadian Bishop’s High School is good or not. Nowadays, the social economy has improved a level compared with the last century, and many families have the ability to send their children to study abroad, so studying abroad is already a very common thing, I believe many Students have many questions about the country, tuition, majors, institutions, application materials and other aspects that apply for studying abroad. No more doubts, IDP studying abroad has the most professional people who will answer you, welcome all friends to consult!

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