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How about Battle River School District in Canada? What are the special programs?

  There are many colleges and universities you can choose to study in Canada. The quality of teaching, geographical location, and cost of studying abroad are all factors to be considered when choosing a school. There are quite a few colleges and universities for the supply of materials, so the question is, everyone knows how well the Canadian War River Education Bureau is? What are the special courses? Next, the editor will take everyone to learn about the relevant introduction!

  Introduction to War River Education Bureau of Canada

  The War River School District is a large geographic area located in central Alberta. The main office is located in Camrose, a city with a population of approximately 17,000. The campus consists of 30 schools and provides educational services for 7,000 students. All schools are located in small, safe communities. The language of teaching and daily communication is English. International students have great opportunities to learn English and experience all aspects of Canadian cultural life.

  Zhanhe Campus has a long history of providing students with a high-quality learning experience. Therefore, the school always maintains excellent learning results. The students of Zhanhe campus have consistently higher than average scores in the provincial unified examinations and graduation examinations. The graduation rate of students is also higher than average. At the same time, our school is also highly recognized in art and extracurricular activities.

  The War River campus has a long history of providing students with a high-quality learning experience. Therefore, the school always maintains excellent learning results. The students of Zhanhe campus have consistently higher than average scores in the provincial unified examinations and graduation examinations.

  Canadian War River Education Bureau Featured Courses

  English as a Second Language (ESL) course (available in large high schools)

  Extracurricular activities: various sports, music and drama

  Language of instruction: English

  Languages taught: English, French

  Mental Health Capacity Building of Canadian War River Education Bureau

  The Mental Health Capacity Building (MHCB) program is a comprehensive, community-driven approach to provide children, adolescents and their families with the promotion, prevention and early intervention of addiction and mental health services in a school environment. The overall goal of the plan is to cultivate the resilience of children, adolescents and families, and to support children and adolescents to maintain mental health, continue to school, and succeed in life. The MHCB program provides mental health promotion and prevention support aimed at enhancing strengths while reducing the stigma of addiction and mental illness.

  Participating partners include:

  Alberta Education

  Alberta Health Services-Addiction and Mental Health

  Camrose and regional support services

  Camrose opens the door

  Camrose Police Department

  Camrose Public Health

  Children and family services

  University of Alberta-Augustana Campus

  The above is the detailed introduction of the Canadian War River Education Bureau. Nowadays, the social economy has improved a level compared with the last century, and many families have the ability to send their children to study abroad, so studying abroad is also a very common thing. I believe that many students have many questions about the country, tuition, majors, institutions, application materials and other aspects of applying for studying abroad. No more doubts. IDP has the most professional people to answer you. Welcome all the friends. consult!

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