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What are the advantages of studying at Covenant Central Middle School? Inventory of application process

  Covenant Central Middle School is located in the North York area of Toronto, Canada. It has a beautiful geographical environment, convenient transportation, and the school’s teaching level is relatively outstanding. It has an excellent Ontario registered teacher team and strong teaching staff. It is now a Canadian college favored by many students. School, then the editor will take everyone to learn about the advantages of studying at the Covenant Central Middle School? The relevant introduction of the application process inventory for your reference.

  Advantages of studying at Covenant Central Middle School

  Senior teachers and tutoring team (All teachers are registered in Ontario and academic tutors with rich teaching experience. Regularly assess the learning situation of each student, tailor learning plans for students, and arrange stage goals

  Small class teaching mode (adopting modern teaching mode, optimizing the teacher-student ratio to 1:15, strictly implementing the school-running philosophy of "all students are based on education", and a complete after-school tutoring system)

  Complete supporting facilities (CCA provides students with complete supporting facilities, such as libraries, gymnasiums, swimming pools, canteens and other learning and life-related facilities to promote the comprehensive development of students' morality, intelligence, physical education, and labor in addition to intense study)

  Rich curriculum (in addition to English, mathematics, physics and chemistry, the school also offers elective courses that are biased towards cultivating students’ abilities and interests, such as art, fashion, photography, economics, international trade, and business leadership. Nutrition class, family

  Geographical Location (The school is located in the heart of North York, Toronto, Canada. The geographical position is superior and the transportation is convenient. Because of the diversified cultural atmosphere around, North York has become the first choice for new immigrants and many international students to live and study.)

  High acceptance rate of world-class universities (90% of graduating students entering world-class universities each year)

  Flexible semester system (four semesters and one summer course are set up each year, and students are accepted in each semester, which is convenient for students to connect at any time and saves waiting time for admission)

  24/7 parent communication system (with an efficient online communication channel network 24 hours a day, regular communication of students’ learning progress and daily life. Exchange students’ needs and suggestions for personal growth)

  Covenant Central Middle School application process

  The student submits the application form, transcripts of the past two years, proof of enrollment, passport homepage, and the registration fee to the school or the school's local office

  After the application is approved, the school issues a letter of intent for admission

  The school issues formal admission notices and admission notices and other documents

  After receiving the letter of intent for admission, the student shall pay the fees as required

  Students apply for a Canadian student visa from the Canadian consulate

  Students buy air tickets and inform the school of their arrival time. If necessary, the school will assist in airport pick-ups and arrange homestays

  The above is a detailed introduction of the advantages of studying at the Covenant Central Middle School. Nowadays, the social economy has improved a level compared with the last century, and many families have the ability to send their children to study abroad, so studying abroad is also a very common thing. , I believe that many students have many questions about the country, tuition, majors, colleges, application materials, etc. applying for studying abroad. No more doubts, IDP studying abroad has the most professional people who will answer you, welcome all friends Enthusiastic consultation!

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