Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Transcripts: Please upload your transcripts into the ApplyYourself web application. These are unofficial, scanned images. GRE Scores: : You must take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for all programs except for IDET. Reading and Literacy M.Ed. applicants take the writing section only. Plan to take this test at least one month before your application date, as it takes an average of three weeks to get your scores back. This test is administered by Educational Testing Services (ETS). Your GRE Scores must be forwarded to the University of Utah (Code 4853) by ETS. Personal photocopies are not sufficient. For more information you may contact ETS or your university's testing center. Curriculum Vitae/Resume: A CV is a detailed overview of your accomplishments, ones most relevant to the realm of academia. Submit a CV with the most updated information possible. Personal Statement: Submit a personal statement in the application describing your career goals in 1 to 2 pages. Recommendations: You will need to get 3 letters of recommendation. A writing sample, such as a paper. English proficiency may be demonstrated by graduate applicants in one of the following ways: TOEFL: minimum score of 80 (Internet-based test) or 550 (paper-based test), IELTS: An overall minimum band score of 6.5
A bachelor's degree from a regionally-accredited U.S. college or university or from an institution recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education in their home country. The Office of International Admissions will determine if applicants with international degrees meet the Graduate School's requirement of a recognized bachelor's degree.
At least a 3.0 or higher undergraduate weighted mean GPA on a 4.0 scale. If the undergraduate GPA is below 3.0, a GPA will be calculated for the last two years attended if schooling was done at a foreign institution, and based upon the last 60 semester hours (90 quarter hours) if the student attended a U.S. institution.
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:550
- 其他语言考试:NA
The fundamental mission of the Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling specialty is to educate and train counselors who will promote the optimal functioning of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Built upon a foundation of knowledge, skills, and dispositions within a multicultural and social justice framework, program graduates will be able to translate research-validated practices into effective strategies for individuals, groups, and families from diverse backgrounds. The course of study will support the acquisition of competency-based knowledge while fostering professional and personal growth through self-reflection and constructive feedback.
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犹他大学位于美国犹他州的盐湖城市,是一所综合性公立大学,由耶稣基督后期圣徒教会信徒建立。学校截止2012年约有30,000学生及4,000多名教职员工。大学共分11部门,获得好评的学科则有商科、传播学、美术、计算机科学、工程、采矿、以及化学等自然科学。犹他大学为美国太平洋十二大联盟会 Pacific-12 Conference(原Pac-10)成员。该联盟目前由由美西十二所著名大学组成,成员包括加州大学伯克利UCB,南加州大学USC,加州大学洛杉矶UCLA,斯坦福大学,亚利桑那大学UA,科罗拉多大学,华盛顿大学UW-Seattle,俄勒冈大学OU等。犹他大学具有完整的学士、 硕士及博士学位,拥有73个系和94个研究学科。在校学生人数约为26000人,分别来自全美50个州和全世界109个国家。犹他大学近八成学生都获得校内兼职工作,因离盐湖城Downtown较近,且有轻轨系统直通校内,学生的校外兼职机会也颇多。学习成绩优异的学生有机会进入学校的荣誉学院Honor College,获得更多的学术研究机会。犹他大学始建于1850年,是美国著名的公立大学之一。该校位于美国犹他州盐湖城,校园依山傍水、风景别致,距离周围的几个国家公园仅三个小时左右的车程,是美国国家公园环境的国家级大学。据抽样调查,1999年盐湖城被评为全美最佳居住城市之一。