The School of Art and Design offers undergraduate study leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Art. The objective of this program is to provide the essential theoretical education, technical training, and creative experience necessary for professional activity and the pursuit of graduate studies in the visual arts. Students in the degree program are supported by dedicated and engaged faculty members with a broad range of research interests, explored through ceramics, exhibition design and curatorial practice, furniture design and woodworking, jewelry and metalwork, painting and printmaking, photography, sculpture, and socially-engaged art practice. Ceramics at SDSU focuses on balancing the traditions of craft with contemporary art issues and current themes within an art context. Students are encouraged to study the full range of possibilities within the ceramics medium, while developing their own aesthetic style and concepts. Students in ceramics can choose to focus on sculptural form or pottery and vessel forms. The program features several visiting artists each year to offer diverse interactions with students. As ceramics falls within the Applied Design emphasis (which includes jewelry and metals, furniture and woodworking, and fiber arts), the use of multiple media is encouraged when appropriate.