Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology
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A bachelor's degree is required for ALL master's, C.A.S., Ed.S., and doctoral programs.
Official transcript of all previous college or university work
TOEFL iBT - 80, IELTS - 6.5
First, there are four sets of materials common to most graduate applications: grades, test scores, recommendation letters and a personal essay on why you want to come here and what you might want to do. Try to look at each from the perspective of a graduate admissions committee with a large stack of applications from highly qualified applicants for a small number of openings, and be honest with yourself about your prospects. If you know that you fare poorly on one criterion, make sure that you excel on others.

On a 4.0 scale, grades below 3.0 are cause for concern. What you took (how challenging) is also important, as is whether your grades showed an upward or downward trend through your undergraduate career. Good grades in mathematics and physics are clear assets. If it didn't happen during your undergraduate career, consider taking a summer or evening course on a tough subject to add to your portfolio.
Many applicants profess to do poorly on standardized tests under high pressure. What should the committee do, however, when some applicants have high scores and some have low? Consider retaking the GRE if you fared poorly, and pay close attention to the grading procedures. Members of the admissions committee share your distaste for working on a show of skills versus the skills themselves, but these standardized test scores are one way to level the playing field among applicants from schools that committee members may know poorly or not at all. And if you truly master the skills, you need pay less attention to the grading rules.
What constitutes a good recommendation letter? A letter that will be an asset shows through providing specifics of your interactions and performance that the writer knows you very well. A strong letter can counterbalance weakness elsewhere, especially if the writer knows you in a research setting (e.g., during an internship or work-study opportunity) or rigorous classroom laboratory setting. Things we look for include evidence of a strong work ethic, initiative and creativity.

Personal essay
What should you put in your essay? Again try to consider the perspective of the admissions committee. They are trying to use this letter to decipher whether you have realistic expectations of graduate school and know why you are choosing to apply here. Educate yourself on the institution at least through its web pages and by reading a few publications of its faculty. Don't focus on a specialty for which the program has no potential advisor. Dramatic writing has its place, but not in your essay. Saving the oceans and feeding the world from the oceans are not realistic graduate goals.





  • 雅思总分:6.5
  • 托福网考总分:80
  • 托福笔试总分:550
  • 其他语言考试:PTE - 60
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The MS and PhD in Marine Biology are designed to provide students with a broad knowledge base in marine biology in areas including, but not restricted to, taxonomy/systematics, comparative morphology, evolution, genetics, physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and ecology. Marine Biology is a dynamic field, and our programs are flexibly designed to accommodate new discoveries and technologies. Course requirements for all students are SMS 500 (Marine Biology), one semester of statistics at the graduate level, one semester of seminar (SMS 691) and a basic knowledge of descriptive oceanography. Students interact closely with their committees to select additional coursework that provides both a broad knowledge base in marine biology and specific emphases appropriate for their research (e.g., aquaculture, biological oceanography, biology of fishes, ecology, invertebrate biology, marine algae, molecular biology). The School of Marine Sciences also offers a unique, strongly interdisciplinary dual degree program in marine policy and science. The course of study is normally three years. It leads to two master's degrees: one in Marine Policy and one Marine Biology or Oceanography. Students are required to complete the requirements for a master's degree in marine biology or oceanography and the requirements for a marine policy master's degree. Six hours of each degree can be counted as electives for the other, as a result a total of only 48 hours is required to complete both degrees (rather than the 60 usually required for two completely independent masters degrees). The course requirements for the science degrees are described separately. For the policy degree, students complete 18 hours of social science courses, including 6 hours of required courses, with 6 additional course credits counted from the science degree.


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