Master of Science in Engineering- Design Impact
  • 学历文凭

    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系


  • 开学时间

  • 课程时长

  • 课程学费



Minimum TOEFL Requirements ibt/pbt: 89/575.
We will fully consider for admission any student that applies with an undergraduate engineering degree and/or BS degree. The program no longer accepts students with a background in Art. We do not have the resources necessary to respond to inquiries that ask if a particular degree is equivalent to a B.S. or other undergraduate engineering degree. To answer this question yourself, please consult with the institution that granted the degree and attach official documentation from the institution supporting that your degree is a B. S. equivalent under the Supplemental Materials section of your online application.
GRE scores are not required for Design Impact applicants for the upcoming Grad Admissions cycle (students entering Fall of 2022).

In the Supplemental Information section of the application, enter your application web address (URL) of your ''application website'' (ie. http://...) in the box provided. This is a single weblink that we can access. If this is a password protected site, you may then enter your website password in the second box below the URL entry box. There are no specific guidelines on the kind of website you submit or how many projects should be part of this website. Think of the website as your vehicle to demonstrate who you are and how you think. Your website is our only window into your creativity. It also shows us what kinds of design problems are important to you, so make it personal.
Given this, each website is expected to be diverse and unique. However, please do not provide too large a body of work with repetitive examples of the same media, process, or end product. We are looking for breadth as well as depth. Designers often work on teams so we want you to be specific about your role on the project. We will judge the quality of your work more by your editing and selection and not by its volume.

Your website should be about your design thinking and the types of design and subjects that interest you. It should clearly demonstrate the specific ''toolkit'' that you are bringing to the program. It should express your thinking on the subjects that you deem important. It should demonstrate your ability to visualize things. It should show us how you develop new and innovative solutions. These solutions can be in almost any area, but we are particularly interested in new products, services, environments, information, and smart/interactive products and spaces. It should document some user research as well as include photos of some 2D and 3D work.

A case study is a great thing to include on your website. Case studies are an effective way to explain your creative process and can include all the ''messy prototypes'' and ''important failures.'' They are also one good way to show us non-design projects and entrepreneurial endeavors that emphasize your leadership skills and your strategic thinking. Case studies should be brief and visually interesting. It is typically a one- or two-page description of a project, including some description of the original problem and lots of visual information about the process that resolves it. We are not looking for a lot of writing. As designers, we prefer case studies that are more like narratives or storyboards, not like research papers.





  • 雅思总分:6
  • 托福网考总分:89
  • 托福笔试总分:575
  • 其他语言考试:NA
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


In the first year, students take all classes together as a cohort. In the second year, students will continue to work together in the year-long ''Idea to Impact'' course, which will be the culmination of their educational experience and propel them to career paths.<br> The Electives in second year will be a combination of building a deep learning in a meaningful direction chosen by the student, and expanding the skill toolkit of the student as appropriate. Click on the links to learn more about the classes.<br> The summer before the program commences, students may be asked to perform preparation work by taking online courses as recommended by their advisor, in order to fortify any weak areas in skills coming into the program.<br> The summer between first year and second year will be spent completing an internship experience related to their chosen theme and otherwise preparing them for the Design Impact course of second year.<br> Both first and second year students may choose to create a ''Reframe'' project, which will take the form of an installation or other designed experience that communicates their inspiration / passion / motivation / frustration relating to both their own life and their contribution to the Design Impact theme. This will be shared in an exhibition at the beginning of the Spring quarter.


  • 预科


  • 奖学金


  • 实习机会


  • 在校学习


  • 跨境学习


  • 校园授课-线上开始


  • 在线/远程学习







如果你认为斯坦福大学和常青藤联盟的区别只是每年那几百个额外的晴天那么你就大错特错了。事实上,所有东部地区的大学在创立之初旨在思考人类存在的价值以及生命的意义,并以欧洲教育机构为模型。与其相反,斯坦福一开始便致力于建立科学技术与工程方面的声誉,极具美国独创色彩。学校积极开明的治学理念以及西部海岸独具的乐观主义驱散了那些笼罩在东部海岸大学上的学术阴霾,高水准的教学水平和历史久远的体育传统等令其具有莫名的吸引力。跟耶鲁和普林斯顿不一样,于1885年由Leland 和Jane Stanford建立的斯坦福从一开始便同时招收男女学生。在百年庆典上,它是美国第一所成功筹集到数十亿美元捐款的学校;现如今斯坦福的捐款已经高达120亿美元了。斯坦福拥有全国顶尖的教授,大部分学院都拥有一两名响当当的教授。他们的学术成就很高,获得许多证书。95%的课程会由教职人员进行授课而非研究生助教。尽管斯坦福经常给人望而兴叹的感觉,但它录取的学生组成与邻近的加州大学伯克利分校很相似:62%的学生来自公立高中;最新的一届新生中,89%的学生成绩都处于本校毕业生的前10%;国际生占了大概6%,这个比例也正好是斯坦福近几年录取率的数字。也难怪从这里走出来的都是美国总统,微软CEO,NIKE创始人,ESPN创始人,Google创始人这样的人物。




