Global Governance Master's Fellowship



Not Specified


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Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Master's Degree


Environmental Studies


Full-time graduate students in the first year of the Master's of Global Governance program (MAGG) in the Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo
Selection based on academic achievement - normally a minimum cumulative average of 80% or equivalent
Canadian Citizens/permanent residents, international/study permit students
Recipients of the Fellowship are selected based on their application for admission to the graduate program by the admissions committee and MAGG program directorship, generally in the Winter term

Award description:

Global Governance Master's Fellowships, valued between CAN $15,000 - CAN $25,000 annually, will be awarded to eligible graduate students who are registered full time in their first year of the Master's of Global Governance program in the Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo. Selection will be based on academic achievement (normally a minimum cumulative average of 80% or equivalent over the last two full-time academic years).

Value description:

Annual awards valued between CAN $15,000 to CAN $25,000.
Funding is paid in equal instalments at the start of each of the first three terms of the program.
Continued receipt of this Fellowship in each subsequent term is conditional upon continuous registration and satisfactory performance in the Master's program, including satisfactory performance in the Graduate Fellowship Program.
The value of this fellowship may be adjusted for students who hold external funding equivalent to or in excess of CAN $15,000.

Selection process:
Student selected automatically by Faculty/Department



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      预科课程是指在加拿大无论你选择就读哪所大学,都需要参加英语考试,如果不达标,可能需要先修习几个月甚至一年的预科课程。滑铁卢大学这样的学校,和多大一样,申请并非易事,需要耗费很大的精力和努力。今天将为大家分享的是滑铁卢大学有预科吗?滑铁卢大学入学申请要求?感兴趣的小伙伴一起来看看吧!  一、滑铁卢大学有预科吗?  有。滑铁卢大学预科一般读一年,有的也可以读半年,如果英语基础比较差的申请者读预科的时间就会长一些,英语基础比较好的申请者读预科的时间就会短一些。但通常对于我们国内的学生来说会选择读一年的预科课程,这样能够更好的适应国外的教学模式和授课方式,为进入大学本科或硕士奠定更好的基础。
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