Inch Engineering Research Award



CAD 4,500


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Master's Degree,Doctoral Degree (Doctorate/Ph.D.)




Must be full-time female graduate students registered in a master's or doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering.
Must be pursuing research on campus in the areas of clean energy technology or other technology for climate change mitigation or adaptation.
Preference will be given to female candidates.
Selection to be based on academic achievement (minimum 80% cumulative average) and demonstrated financial need.

Award description:

An award valued at CAN $4500 will be awarded annually to a female graduate student registered full time in a master's or doctoral program in the Faculty of Engineering. The student must be conducting research in the areas of clean energy technology or other technology for climate change mitigation or adaptation. Selection will be based on academic achievement (minimum 80% cumulative average) and demonstrated financial need. This fund is made possible by a donation from the Inch family.

Value description:

The value of the award will be determined by the income generated by the Fund each year. The goal is to provide at least one award valued at CAN $4500 annually. The value and/or number of Awards may change from year to year.



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