Alumnus Discount Scheme
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Fee waiver/discount
Not Specified
Eligible students include any student who has graduated from Oxford Brookes University with an ordinary or honours degree and wishes to stay on or return for an additional degree (e.g. an undergraduate student who then studies for a taught master's course, or a taught master's graduate who enrols on another taught master's or an MPhil/PhD programme).
You must:
Hold an offer and register on a degree-awarding postgraduate course at Oxford Brookes University. The majority of courses qualify for the award, but please check the exception list below.
Be a graduate of Oxford Brookes University. That is, you must have qualified on a full undergraduate or postgraduate degree.
1. Courses that are not eligible for the Alumni Loyalty Discount:
The Alumni Loyalty Discount will not be applied to any courses of study that do not lead to a degree. This includes pre-sessional programmes in English Language, English Language Foundation Programmes, Modular Associate programmes, occasional study programmes, exchange programmes, or continuing professional development programmes.
The discount does not apply to:
Diploma or certificate courses (Note: Graduate Diploma in Law does apply)
MBA ACCA members already paying a discounted fee (from September 2019)
Masters in Applied Design in Architecture (MArchD)
Courses where a student has exited with a Certificate or Diploma level qualification and returns to complete a ''top up'' course for the master's qualification.
2. Previous study at Oxford Brookes University that does not meet the requirements of the Alumnus Tuition Fee Discount:
Previous study on courses that do not carry formal degree status means that you are not eligible for the Alumni Loyalty Discount.
International Student Scholarships
Fee waiver/discount
Oxford Brookes Sanctuary Scholarship
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- 牛津布鲁克斯大学优点有哪些? 牛津布鲁克斯大学的强势专业!_IDP留学牛津布鲁克斯大学位于世界学术名城,学风浓郁,精英荟萃,很长一段时间以来是世界各地学子心目当中的留学胜地。牛津布鲁克斯大学现在是英国最具特色的综合性高校,商科和管理学以及经济学等学科被评为英国教学质量满分。为了方便管理,该校设立了四大学院,学生在这里可申请商学院、人文学院等。牛津布鲁克斯大学优点有哪些?带着这个问题跟随小编一起来看一下下文的回答。 牛津布鲁克斯大学优点有哪些 牛津布鲁克斯大学优点:牛津布鲁克斯大学的学术水平和声誉得到了广泛认可,在英国高等教育体系中占有重要的地位。其学科设置覆盖广泛,涉及艺术、人文、社会科学、商学、工程、科学等多个领域。该校艺术专业特别突出,设计、音乐学等学科一直名列全英前茅。另外,该校拥有一支坚强的教师团队,许多著名的学者在校任教或担任研究工作,提供了高水平的教育和研究条件。