Oxford Brookes Sanctuary Scholarship
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Students with the following immigration statuses who meet the relevant course entry requirements and are not in receipt of, or eligible for government student finance support, are eligible to apply: Asylum seeker, Unaccompanied asylum seeking child, Limited leave to remain (as a result of an asylum application, Discretionary leave to remain (as a result of an asylum application), The family member of someone with one of the immigration statuses listed above with ‘in line' or ‘dependent' status. The scholarship will be open to students who are in receipt of an offer (or awaiting a decision) for a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate taught course, including foundation year courses. Courses taught at Partner Colleges are not eligible. This is a competitive process and not all applications will be successful. Scholars must not be in receipt of or be eligible for government student finance support (ie loans). A scholar must anticipate meeting all the conditions associated with their offer in time to enrol at Oxford Brookes for the 2022/23 academic year. Scholarships will be provided for the normal duration of the student's study and will be renewed annually. Should students withdraw or suspend their studies any future payments will be suspended. Students on an Integrated Foundation Course will receive the scholarship for the 4 year duration as they progress automatically to their degree if they pass the foundation year. Applications will only be considered if they are accompanied by a Referee Supporting Statement that is signed and dated. Financial support equivalent to £8,000 towards accommodation. Those living in halls of residence will automatically receive this support those in private accommodation will be required to provide proof of living costs by providing a copy of their tenancy agreement to finance. Guaranteed accommodation in University halls of residence for 52 weeks per year.
Alumnus Discount Scheme
Fee waiver/discount
International Student Scholarships
Fee waiver/discount
- 牛津布鲁克斯大学评价怎样? 牛津布鲁克斯大学的入学条件!_IDP留学牛津布鲁克斯大学创建于1865年,这是一所位于英国牛津市的综合性高校,为了方便管理,专门设立了4个校区,学风浓郁,精英荟萃,很长一段时间以来一直是求学圣地,在教学和科研方面以实际应用和解决行业问题而著称,目前是英国非常有特色的一所综合性的高校,曾经获得了英国女王高等教育奖。牛津布鲁克斯大学评价怎样?一起来看一下下文的回答。 牛津布鲁克斯大学评价怎样 小牛津 牛津布鲁克斯大学评价怎样?据了解,有着“小牛津”之称的牛津布鲁克斯大学,与牛津大学毗邻而居,大小牛津都在各自的领域对世界文化做出巨大的贡献,为社会科学事业培养出层出不穷的人才。牛津布鲁克斯大学也因其高质量的教学以及创新型的教育设计,被授予“英女王高等教育奖”。
- 牛津布鲁克斯大学优点有哪些? 牛津布鲁克斯大学的强势专业!_IDP留学牛津布鲁克斯大学位于世界学术名城,学风浓郁,精英荟萃,很长一段时间以来是世界各地学子心目当中的留学胜地。牛津布鲁克斯大学现在是英国最具特色的综合性高校,商科和管理学以及经济学等学科被评为英国教学质量满分。为了方便管理,该校设立了四大学院,学生在这里可申请商学院、人文学院等。牛津布鲁克斯大学优点有哪些?带着这个问题跟随小编一起来看一下下文的回答。 牛津布鲁克斯大学优点有哪些 牛津布鲁克斯大学优点:牛津布鲁克斯大学的学术水平和声誉得到了广泛认可,在英国高等教育体系中占有重要的地位。其学科设置覆盖广泛,涉及艺术、人文、社会科学、商学、工程、科学等多个领域。该校艺术专业特别突出,设计、音乐学等学科一直名列全英前茅。另外,该校拥有一支坚强的教师团队,许多著名的学者在校任教或担任研究工作,提供了高水平的教育和研究条件。