• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
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  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士




  建筑学硕士专业学位由建筑学硕士组成。I(96学时/三年半)及建筑学硕士。II(60学时/ 2年)轨道。完成北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校四年制建筑文学学士学位(即所有主修建筑学院的本科课程)全部128个学分的学生可以被考虑进入建筑硕士高级Standing。A.S.课程(40学分/ 1-1/2年)。所有课程均需全日制学历。


  Master of Architecture I

  Year One

  Fall (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5201 - Architectural History I: Prehistory-1750 (3)

  ARCH 5301 - Materials and Assembly Principles (3)

  ARCH 6101 - Design Studio: Fundamentals (6)

  ARCH 6602 - Representation I: Fundamentals (3)

  Spring (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5202 - Architectural History II: 1750-Present (3)

  ARCH 5302 - Environmental Systems Principles (3)

  ARCH 6102 - Design Studio: Fundamentals (6)

  ARCH 6603 - Representation II: Digital Fundamentals (3)

  Summer (6 credit hours)

  ARCH 6103 - Design Studio: Options (6)

  Year Two

  Fall (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5203 - Architectural History III: Survey of Contemporary Theory (1950-Present) (3)

  ARCH 5303 - Structural Principles (3)

  ARCH 5604 - Computational Methods (3)

  ARCH 7101 - Design Studio: Topical (6)

  Spring (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5204 - Architectural History Topics (3)

  ARCH 5304 - Structural Systems (3)

  ARCH 5605 - Computational Practice (3)

  ARCH 7102 - Design Studio Topics (6)

  Year Three

  Fall (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (1 to 6) *

  ARCH 5305 - Building Systems Integration (3)

  ARCH 7103 - Design Studio Integrated Project (6)

  ARCH 7201 - Design Methodologies (3)

  Spring (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5206 - Professional Practice (3)

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (1 to 6) *

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (3) *

  ARCH 7104 - Design Studio: Diploma Project (6)

  Optional Summer Session Courses

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (1 to 6) *

  ARCH 6890 - Directed Independent Study (1 to 6)

  Master of Architecture II

  Year One

  Fall (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5203 - Architectural History III: Survey of Contemporary Theory (1950-Present) (3) *

  ARCH 5604 - Computational Methods (3) **

  ARCH 6306 - Technology Topic (3)

  ARCH 7101 - Design Studio: Topical (6)


  * UNC Charlotte undergraduates who have previously taken ARCH 4203 should substitute ARCH 4205 for ARCH 5203.

  ** UNC Charlotte undergraduates who have previously taken ARCH 4604 should substitute ARCH 6050 for ARCH 5604.

  Spring (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5204 - Architectural History Topics (3)

  ARCH 5605 - Computational Practice (3)

  ARCH 6306 - Technology Topic (3)

  ARCH 7102 - Design Studio Topics (6)

  Year Two

  Fall (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (1 to 6) ***

  ARCH 5305 - Building Systems Integration (3)

  ARCH 7103 - Design Studio Integrated Project (6)

  ARCH 7201 - Design Methodologies (3)

  or ARCH 5204 - Architectural History Topics (3)

  Spring (15 credit hours)

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (1 to 6) ***

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (1 to 6) ***

  ARCH 5206 - Professional Practice (3)

  ARCH 7104 - Design Studio: Diploma Project (6)


  ***ARCH 5204 or ARCH 6306 can be substituted for ARCH 5050.

  Optional Summer Session Courses

  ARCH 5050 - Architecture Topics (1 to 6)

  ARCH 5204 - Architectural History Topics (3) (Study Abroad)

  ARCH 6890 - Directed Independent Study (1 to 6)

  Architectural Elective Courses

  Computation and Theory

  Building Information Modeling

  Digital Fabrication I & II

  Digital Methods I & II

  Digital Theory


  Introduction to Urban Design

  Community Planning Workshop

  Dilemmas of Modern City Planning

  Planning, Law, and Urban Design

  Post-CIAM Discourse on Urbanism

  Public Space in Cities

  Real Estate Development Students: Introduction to Real Estate Development

  Shaping the American City

  Strategies for the Public Realm

  The Changing Urban Landscape: The Development of Uptown Charlotte, 1875-Present

  Urban Form, Context and Economics

  Architectural Technology

  Architectural Luminous Environment

  Bio-Climatology and Cross Cultural Assessments of Traditional Built Form

  Building Shapes and Skins for Daylighting

  Parametric Methods: Notes on Sustainable Design Decision Making

  Site Sustainability and Planning

  Sustainability and Climate Responsive Architecture

  Sustainable Design: Ecology, Technology, and Building

  Trend or Truth: Sustainability in Architecture

  General Architecture Electives


  Furniture Making

  Methods and Meaning

  Objects and Analysis

  Watercolor and Representation


  Arch I的申请人。我的课程要求完成基础,大学水平的物理和微积分预备课程。

  Arch II的申请人。II课程预期至少有:六个建筑设计工作室(相当于六个学期),一年的建筑历史/理论,两年的建筑技术。










  arch I课程应该提交提供创造力、自我激励、分析和批判性思维证据的工作实例。这样的例子在本质上不应该是建筑的。绘画、雕塑、家具制作、摄影等视觉工作是可以接受的,小说、诗歌和其他任何持续创造性努力的合理证据也是可以接受的。Arch II课程应该提供掌握建筑技能和知识以及其他创造性工作的重要证据。


  Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), the minimum score is 83 (ibt) OR IELTS (International English Language Testing System), the minimum overall band score is 6.5.


北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校建筑硕士专业 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 美国留学申请条件