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北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校信息技术硕士专业 为信息时代争辉!






  Advanced Programming Courses

  Select one of the following:

  ITIS 5166 - Network-Based Application Development (3)

  ITIS 5180 - Mobile Application Development (3)

  Software Systems Courses

  Select one of the following:

  ITIS 6112 - Software System Design and Implementation (3)

  ITIS 6177 - System Integration (3)

  ITIS 6342 - Information Technology Project Management (3)

  Databases and Data Science Courses

  Select one of the following:

  ITIS 6120 - Applied Databases (3)

  ITIS 6162 - Knowledge Discovery in Databases (3)

  Principles Courses

  ITIS 6200 - Principles of Information Security and Privacy (3)

  ITIS 6400 - Human-Centered Design (3)

  Concentration Courses (9 credit hours)

  The MSIT program offers the following concentrations:

  Advanced Data and Knowledge Discovery

  Emerging Technologies

  Human-Centered Design

  Information Security and Privacy

  Information Technology Management

  Software Systems Design and Engineering

  Web Development

  Advanced Data and Knowledge Discovery Concentration

  Select three of the following:

  ITCS 5122 - Visual Analytics (3)

  ITCS 6100 - Big Data Analytics for Competitive Advantage (3)

  or DSBA 6100 - Big Data Analytics for Competitive Advantage (3)

  ITCS 6155 - Knowledge-Based Systems (3)

  ITCS 6156 - Machine Learning (3)

  ITCS 6157 - Visual Databases (3)

  ITCS 6161 - Advanced Topics in Database Systems (3)

  ITCS 6190 - Cloud Computing for Data Analysis (3)

  ITCS 6265 - Advanced Topics in Knowledge Discovery in Databases (3)

  ITCS 6267 - Intelligent Information Retrieval (3)

  ITIS 5510 - Web Mining (3)

  ITIS 6010 - Topics in Software and Information Systems (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  or ITCS 6010 - Topics in Computer Science (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  ITIS 6150 - Software Assurance (3)

  ITIS 6162 - Knowledge Discovery in Databases (3)

  ITIS 6163 - Data Warehousing (3)

  or ITCS 6163 - Data Warehousing (3)

  ITIS 6220 - Data Privacy (3)

  ITIS 6320 - Cloud Data Storage (3)

  ITIS 6362 - Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security (3)

  ITIS 6410 - Personalization and Recommender Systems (3)

  ITIS 6520 - Network Science (3)

  MBAD 6201 - Business Intelligence and Analytics (3)

  or DSBA 6201 - Business Intelligence and Analytics (3)

  MBAD 6211 - Advanced Business Analytics (3)

  Emerging Technologies Concentration

  Human-Centered Design Concentration

  Select three of the following:

  ITCS 5122 - Visual Analytics (3)

  ITCS 5123 - Visualization and Visual Communication (3)

  ITIS 5350 - Rapid Prototyping (3)

  ITIS 6011 - Interaction Design Studio (3)

  ITIS 6216 - Introduction to Cognitive Science (3)

  ITIS 6360 - User-Centered Design and Evaluation (3)

  ITIS 6370 - Interactive Systems Design and Implementation (3)

  ITIS 6410 - Personalization and Recommender Systems (3)

  ITIS 6420 - Usable Security and Privacy (3)

  ITIS 6880 - Individual Study (1 to 3)

  PHIL 6340 - Philosophy of Mind (3)

  PSYC 6116 - Cognition (3)

  ITIS 6010 - Topics in Software and Information Systems (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  or ITCS 6010 - Topics in Computer Science (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  ITIS 6211 - Studio Lab I (3)

  or ITCS 6211 - Studio Lab I (4)

  or ARCH 7211 - Studio Lab I (4 to 6)

  ITIS 6212 - Studio Lab II (3)

  or ITCS 6212 - Studio Lab II (4)

  or ARCH 7212 - Studio Lab II (4 to 6)

  Information Security and Privacy Concentration

  Select three of the following:

  ITIS 5221 - Secure Programming and Penetration Testing (3)

  ITIS 5246 - Competitive Cyber Defense (3)

  ITIS 5250 - Computer Forensics (3)

  ITIS 5260 - Introduction to Security Analytics (3)

  ITIS 5331 - Web-Based Mobile and IoT Firmware Security (3)

  ITIS 6150 - Software Assurance (3)

  ITIS 6167 - Network Security (3)

  ITIS 6210 - Access Control and Security Architecture (3)

  ITIS 6220 - Data Privacy (3)

  ITIS 6230 - Enterprise and Infrastructure Protection (3)

  ITIS 6240 - Applied Cryptography (3)

  ITIS 6260 - Quantum Computing (3)

  ITIS 6268 - Wireless Network Security (3)

  ITIS 6320 - Cloud Data Storage (3)

  ITIS 6330 - Malware Analysis (3)

  ITIS 6362 - Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security (3)

  ITIS 6420 - Usable Security and Privacy (3)

  ITIS 6010 - Topics in Software and Information Systems (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  or ITCS 6010 - Topics in Computer Science (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  Information Technology Management Concentration

  ITIS 6342 - Information Technology Project Management (3) (if not already taken as a Core Course)

  ITIS 6362 - Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security (3)


  ITIS 6010 - Topics in Software and Information Systems (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  or ITCS 6010 - Topics in Computer Science (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  ITIS 6177 - System Integration (3)

  ITIS 6230 - Enterprise and Infrastructure Protection (3)

  ITIS 6320 - Cloud Data Storage (3)

  ITCS 5161 - Intellectual Property Aspects of Computing (3)

  MBAD 6122 - Decision Modeling and Analysis (3)

  MBAD 6141 - Operations Management (3)

  MBAD 6161 - Human Behavior in Organizations (3)

  MBAD 6164 - Executive Communication (3)

  MBAD 6165 - Negotiation and Conflict Management (3)

  MBAD 6201 - Business Intelligence and Analytics (3)

  or DSBA 6201 - Business Intelligence and Analytics (3)

  MBAD 6202 - Managing IT-Enabled Business Processes and Systems (3)

  MBAD 6207 - Business Project Management (3)

  Software Systems Design and Engineering Concentration

  ITIS 6112 - Software System Design and Implementation (3) (if not already taken as a Core Course)

  Elective Courses

  Select 2-3 of the following, to result in 3 courses for this concentration:

  ITIS 5180 - Mobile Application Development (3)

  ITIS 5166 - Network-Based Application Development (3)

  ITIS 5221 - Secure Programming and Penetration Testing (3)

  ITIS 5280 - Advanced Mobile Application Development (3)

  ITIS 6011 - Interaction Design Studio (3)

  ITIS 6150 - Software Assurance (3)

  ITIS 6177 - System Integration (3)

  ITIS 6210 - Access Control and Security Architecture (3)

  ITIS 6260 - Quantum Computing (3)

  ITIS 6362 - Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security (3)

  ITIS 6370 - Interactive Systems Design and Implementation (3)

  ITIS 6010 - Topics in Software and Information Systems (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  or ITCS 6010 - Topics in Computer Science (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  Web Development Concentration

  Select three of the following:

  ITIS 5166 - Network-Based Application Development (3)

  ITIS 5180 - Mobile Application Development (3)

  ITIS 5221 - Secure Programming and Penetration Testing (3)

  ITIS 5350 - Rapid Prototyping (3)

  ITIS 5510 - Web Mining (3)

  ITIS 6011 - Interaction Design Studio (3)

  ITIS 6177 - System Integration (3)

  ITIS 6360 - User-Centered Design and Evaluation (3)

  ITIS 6362 - Information Technology Ethics, Policy, and Security (3)

  ITIS 6370 - Interactive Systems Design and Implementation (3)

  ITIS 6410 - Personalization and Recommender Systems (3)

  ITIS 6520 - Network Science (3)

  ITIS 6010 - Topics in Software and Information Systems (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  or ITCS 6010 - Topics in Computer Science (3) (only if topic applicable and approved by program director)

  Elective Courses (6 credit hours)

  ITIS 6198 - IT Internship Project (3)


  申请者必须完成(a)数据结构和(b) c++、c#或Java的面向对象编程的本科或同等课程,gpa最低为3.0(满分为4.0)。在应用或开发计算和信息技术方面有大量工作经验的申请人可以用他们的工作经验来代替面向对象编程和/或数据结构的特定要求,这将由MSIT项目协调员审查。

  所有申请人必须有本科GPA或相当于3.0(1.0 - 4.0),初级/高级GPA至少3.0。



  Official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), the minimum score is 83 (ibt) OR IELTS (International English Language Testing System), the minimum overall band score is 6.5.


北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校信息技术硕士专业 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 美国留学热门专业