• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
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  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学图书馆与信息研究硕士专业 受ALA认证 选到就是赚到!


  Master of Library and Information Studies





  LIBR 506 Human Information Interaction

  LIBR 507 Methods of Research and Evaluation in Information Organizations

  LIBR 508 Information Practices in Contemporary Society

  LIBR 509 Foundations of Bibliographic Control


  LIBR 510 Taxonomies: Research and Evaluation

  LIBR 511 Cataloguing and Classification

  LIBR 512 Indexing

  LIBR 514F Information Visualization and Visual Analytics [cross-listed with ARST 575H]

  LIBR 514G Records Systems in the Digital Environment [cross-listed with ARST 556E]

  LIBR 514H Records and Information Governance [cross-listed with ARST 560]

  LIBR 514J Administering Records Under Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Legislation [cross-listed with ARST 565]

  LIBR 514K IT Security, Information Assurance and Risk Management [cross-listed with ARST 575J]

  LIBR 514L Metadata [cross-listed with ARST 556L]

  LIBR 516 Information Asset Management


  LIBR 520 Survey of Literature and Other Materials for Children

  LIBR 521 Contemporary Literature and Other Materials for Children

  LIBR 523 Canadian Literature and Other Materials for Children

  LIBR 524 Writing, Publishing and the Book Trade for Children

  LIBR 525 Illustrated Literature and Other Materials for Children

  LIBR 526 Literature and Other Materials for Young Adults

  LIBR 527 Services for Children

  LIBR 528 Services for Young Adults

  LIBR 529 Services for Families and Early Literacy in the Preschool Years


  LIBR 530 Subject-Based Information Services

  LIBR 531 Client Centred Services for Adults

  LIBR 532 Science and Technology Information Sources and Services

  LIBR 533 Legal Information Sources and Services

  LIBR 534 Health Information Sources and Services

  LIBR 535 Instructional Role of the Librarian

  LIBR 538 d Specialized Literatures

  LIBR 539 d Specialized Materials

  LIBR 539H Personal Archives [cross-listed with ARST 575K]

  LIBR 539J Data Sources in the Public Domain


  LIBR 541 New Media for Children and Young Adults [LIBR 559B prior to Summer 2016]

  LIBR 542 d Services for Youth

  LIBR 544 d Services for Adults

  LIBR 545 Adult Popular Reading and Media Interests

  LIBR 548 d Issues in Information Services

  LIBR 548F History of the Book

  LIBR 548H Community Informatics

  LIBR 548X Social Media and Digital Outreach


  LIBR 551 Library Automation and Systems

  LIBR 553 Understanding Information Users in Diverse Environments

  LIBR 554 Database Design [cross-listed with ARST 554]

  LIBR 555 Information Design I: Systems

  LIBR 556 Information Design II: Documents

  LIBR 557 Information Retrieval Concepts and Practice

  LIBR 558 Information Retrieval Systems: Structures and Algorithms

  LIBR 559 d Topics in Computer-Based Information Systems

  LIBR 559A Sociotechnical Perspectives of Information Systems

  LIBR 559C Python Programming

  LIBR 559D Social Media Intelligence

  LIBR 559L Issues in Scholarly Communications and Publishing

  LIBR 559M Social Media for Information Professionals

  LIBR 559N Text Analytics

  LIBR 559S Research Data Management for Information Professionals

  LIBR 559T Blockchain Technology for Information Professionals


  LIBR 561 Information Policy

  LIBR 562 International Issues and Innovations

  LIBR 564 Information Practice and Protocol in Support of Indigenous Initiatives

  LIBR 565 Progressive and Radical Information Work

  LIBR 569 d Current Issues and Trends in Library Services and Information Science

  LIBR 569R Graduating Project [cross-listed with ARST 575R]


  LIBR 504 Management of Information Organizations [cross-listed with ARST 570]

  LIBR 570 Marketing in Information Organizations

  LIBR 571 Human Resource Management

  LIBR 572 Information Services Consulting

  LIBR 573 Financial Management in Information Organizations

  LIBR 574 Project Management in Information Organizations

  LIBR 575 Academic Libraries

  LIBR 576 Public Libraries

  LIBR 577 Special Libraries

  LIBR 578 Planning and Design of Libraries

  LIBR 579 Topics in the Management of Libraries and Archives

  LIBR 579D Rare Book and Special Collections Librarianship

  LIBR 579G Introduction to Archives for Librarians

  LIBR 579J Community-Led Libraries

  LIBR 579M Innovation and disruptive entrepreneurship


  LIBR 580 Collection Management

  LIBR 581 Digital Libraries [cross listed with ARST 556M]

  LIBR 582 Digital Images and Text Collections [cross-listed with ARST 556P]

  LIBR 587 Preservation [cross-listed with ARST 587]

  LIBR 588 Theory and Practice of Oral History


  LIBR 592 Directed Research Project

  LIBR 593 d Seminar

  The D/E sections of this course code are used to indicate WISE Courses.

  LIBR 594 Directed Study

  LIBR 595 Practicum

  LIBR 596 Professional Experience [cross-listed with ARST 596]

  LIBR 597 Research Collaboration

  LIBR 599 Thesis


















加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学图书馆与信息研究硕士专业 英属哥伦比亚大学 加拿大留学热门专业