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  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
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多伦多大学教育领导与政策硕士专业 时刻了解教育行业的新动向!


  Master of Arts (MA) - Educational Leadership and Policy



  EDP3045H Educational Policy and Program Evaluation

  EDP3145H Advanced Issues in Educational Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation

  JOI3043H Development and Use of Surveys in Education Research (RM)

  JOI3048H Intermediate Statistics in Educational Research: Multiple Regression Analysis (RM)

  LHA1003H Designing Master's Research Proposals

  LHA1004H Research Literacy in Educational Leadership and Policy

  LHA1012H Organizational Culture and Decision Making

  LHA1016H School Program Development and Implementation

  LHA1018H Political Skill in the Education Arena

  LHA1019H Diversity and the Ethics of Educational Leadership and Policy

  LHA1020H Teachers and Educational Change

  LHA1029H Special Applications of the Administrative Process

  LHA1030H The Legal Context of Education

  LHA1035H Sociology of Education

  LHA1040H Introduction to Educational Leadership and Policy: Policy, Leadership, Change, and Diversity

  LHA1041H Educational Administration II: Social and Policy Contexts of Schooling

  LHA1042H Educational Leadership and Diversity

  LHA1047H Managing Changes in Classroom Practice

  LHA1048H Educational Leadership and School Improvement

  LHA1050H Themes and Issues in Policy, Leadership, Change, and Social Diversity

  LHA1052H Individual Reading and Research in Educational Leadership and Policy: Master’s Level

  LHA1060H School Leadership Seminar 1

  LHA1061H School Leadership Seminar 2

  LHA1065H Educational Equity and Excellence in International Comparison

  LHA1066H Comparative and International Perspectives on Gender and Education Policy and Practice (exclusion: CIE6000H)

  LHA2001Y0 Major Research Paper

  LHA3003H Designing Research Proposals in Educational Leadership and Policy (Credit/No Credit)

  LHA3004H Research Literacy for the EdD Program

  LHA3005H Introduction to Research Methods for the EdD (RM) (prerequisite: LHA3004H; applies to regular ELP EdD students only)

  LHA3006H Data Analysis for the Education Doctorate-RM (prerequisite: LHA3005H)

  LHA3007H Literature Reviews for the EdD Program (prerequisite: LHA3004H)

  LHA3008H Professional Seminar and Dissertation Workshop in International Educational Leadership and Policy

  LHA3030H Advanced Legal Issues in Education

  LHA3040H People and Power in Organizations

  LHA3041H Administrative Theory and Educational Problems ll: Doctoral Seminar on Policy Issues in Education

  LHA3042H Field Research in Educational Leadership and Policy (RM)

  LHA3044H Internship/Practicum in Educational Leadership and Policy

  LHA3047H Research Seminar on Leadership and Educational Change

  LHA3052H Individual Reading and Research in Educational Leadership and Policy: Doctoral Level

  LHA3055H Democratic Values, Student Engagement, and Democratic Leadership

  LHA3064H Global Governance and Educational Change: the Politics of International Cooperation in Education (Prerequisite: CIE1001H. Exclusion: LHA3180H.)

  LHA5000H Special Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy: Master's Level

  LHA6000H Special Topics in Educational Leadership and Policy: Doctoral Level









  1. 描述你的学术和职业经历,以及它们与你选择的课程有什么联系。为什么这个项目很适合你?你为什么适合这个项目?我们最强的候选人会说出具体的学术兴趣、职业经历和长期目标,而不是对教育更普遍的兴趣(500-800字)。

  2. 突出你的研究兴趣和/或陈述你希望调查的研究问题。你应该突出项目主题之间的协同作用,以及它们是如何支撑你的研究计划的(500-800字)。


  4. 说明你希望在该项目中与之合作的教员及其原因。教师的专业知识将如何支持您所提议的研究?请注意,在申请之前,你不需要确保有一位主管。然而,你应该强调教员的学习领域和你自己的学习领域之间的协同作用。

  5. 一些候选人选择讲述他们的学术和职业目标,以及他们计划如何利用这个项目来支持这些努力。



  网考托福(IBT): 100/120和22/30的写作和口语部分




多伦多大学教育领导与政策硕士专业 多伦多大学 加拿大留学热门专业