• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

麦吉尔大学城市规划硕士专业 让你成为城市的“美容师”!


  Master of Urban Planning



  Master of Urban Planning (Core Program)


  URBP 609 Planning Graphics 1

  URBP 610 Planning Graphics 2

  URBP 611 Planning Graphics 3

  URBP 612 History & Theory of Planning

  URBP 622 Planning Studio 1

  URBP 623 Planning Studio 2

  URBP 624 Planning Studio 3

  URBP 628 Practical Experience

  URBP 630 Supervised Research Project 1

  URBP 631 Supervised Research Project 2

  URBP 632 Supervised Res Project 3

  URBP 635 Planning Law

  URBP 640 Introduction to Planning Stats

  URBP 641 Reading the Urban Landscape

  URBP 642 Introduction to Planning Data



  URBP 505 Geographic Information Systems

  URBP 643 Introduction to GIS


  ARCH 515 Sustainable Design

  CIVE 540 Urban Transportation Planning

  CIVE 561 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  GEOG 504 Advanced Economic Geography

  GEOG 525 Asian Cities in the 21st C

  URBP 501 Principles and Practice 1

  URBP 504 Planning for Active Transp.

  URBP 506 Envrnmntl Policy and Planning

  URBP 514 Community Design Workshop

  URBP 530 Urb Infrastr&Serv in Intl Cont

  URBP 536 Current Issues in Transp 1

  URBP 537 Current Issues in Transp 2

  URBP 541 Selected Topics in Planning

  URBP 542 Select. Topics:Visual Analysis

  URBP 543 Special Topics

  URBP 553 Urban Governance

  URBP 555 Real Estate and Planning

  URBP 556 Urban Economy: A Spatial Persp

  URBP 557 Rethinking Zoning

  URBP 604 Urban Design Seminar

  URBP 607 Reading Course:Urban Planning

  URBP 608 Advanced GIS Applications

  URBP 616 Selected Topics 1

  URBP 617 Selected Topics 2

  URBP 618 Selected Topics 3

  URBP 619 Land Use & Transport Planning

  URBP 620 Transport Economics

  URBP 625 Principles and Practice 2

  URBP 626 Principles and Practice 3

  URBP 629 Pln Thry&Prac in a Glbal World

  URBP 644 Multivariate Statistics

  URBP 645 Social Research Methods 1

  URBP 646 Social Research Methods 2

  URBP 647 Selected Methods in Planning 1

  URBP 648 Selected Methods in Planning 2

  URBP 649 Visual and Spatial Methods

  URBP 651 Redesigning Suburban Space

  URBP 656 Urban Innovation & Creativity

  M.U.P. (Transportation Planning)


  URBP 505 Geographic Information Systems

  URBP 609 Planning Graphics 1

  URBP 610 Planning Graphics 2

  URBP 611 Planning Graphics 3

  URBP 612 History & Theory of Planning

  URBP 619 Land Use & Transport Planning

  URBP 622 Planning Studio 1

  URBP 623 Planning Studio 2

  URBP 624 Planning Studio 3

  URBP 628 Practical Experience

  URBP 630 Supervised Research Project 1

  URBP 631 Supervised Research Project 2

  URBP 632 Supervised Res Project 3

  URBP 635 Planning Law

  URBP 640 Introduction to Planning Stats

  URBP 641 Reading the Urban Landscape

  URBP 642 Introduction to Planning Data


  CIVE 540 Urban Transportation Planning

  CIVE 561 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  CIVE 637 Discrete Choice Mod in Transp

  CIVE 661 Modelling of Transp Emissions

  URBP 503 Public Transport: Planning&Ops

  URBP 504 Planning for Active Transp.

  URBP 506 Envrnmntl Policy and Planning

  URBP 536 Current Issues in Transp 1

  URBP 537 Current Issues in Transp 2

  URBP 608 Advanced GIS Applications

  URBP 620 Transport Economics

  M.U.P. (Urban Development and Urban Design)


  URBP 553 Urban Governance

  URBP 609 Planning Graphics 1

  URBP 610 Planning Graphics 2

  URBP 611 Planning Graphics 3

  URBP 612 History & Theory of Planning

  URBP 622 Planning Studio 1

  URBP 623 Planning Studio 2

  URBP 624 Planning Studio 3

  URBP 628 Practical Experience

  URBP 630 Supervised Research Project 1

  URBP 631 Supervised Research Project 2

  URBP 632 Supervised Res Project 3

  URBP 635 Planning Law

  URBP 640 Introduction to Planning Stats

  URBP 641 Reading the Urban Landscape

  URBP 642 Introduction to Planning Data


  Group A

  URBP 505 Geographic Information Systems

  URBP 643 Introduction to GIS

  Group B

  URBP 555 Real Estate and Planning

  URBP 557 Rethinking Zoning

  URBP 604 Urban Design Seminar

  URBP 620 Transport Economics

  URBP 629 Pln Thry&Prac in a Glbal World

  URBP 651 Redesigning Suburban Space

  URBP 656 Urban Innovation & Creativity

  Group C

  ARCH 515 Sustainable Design

  GEOG 525 Asian Cities in the 21st C

  URBP 501 Principles and Practice 1

  URBP 503 Public Transport: Planning&Ops

  URBP 504 Planning for Active Transp.

  URBP 506 Envrnmntl Policy and Planning

  URBP 514 Community Design Workshop

  URBP 530 Urb Infrastr&Serv in Intl Cont

  URBP 541 Selected Topics in Planning

  URBP 542 Select. Topics:Visual Analysis

  URBP 543 Special Topics

  URBP 556 Urban Economy: A Spatial Persp

  URBP 607 Reading Course:Urban Planning

  URBP 616 Selected Topics 1

  URBP 617 Selected Topics 2

  URBP 618 Selected Topics 3

  URBP 619 Land Use & Transport Planning

  URBP 625 Principles and Practice 2

  URBP 626 Principles and Practice 3

  URBP 644 Multivariate Statistics

  URBP 645 Social Research Methods 1

  URBP 646 Social Research Methods 2

  URBP 647 Selected Methods in Planning 1

  URBP 648 Selected Methods in Planning 2

  URBP 649 Visual and Spatial Methods



  申请者在过去两年的全日制本科学位(或同等学位)学习中,最低累计平均学分绩点为3.0/4.0 (B)或3.2/4.0(略低于B+)










麦吉尔大学城市规划硕士专业 麦吉尔大学 加拿大留学热门专业