• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

What are the top secondary schools under Thames Valley District School Board? Anything you like?

  H.B. Beal Secondary School

  Huron Park Secondary School

  Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute

  London South Collegiate Institute

  Lord Dorchester Secondary School

  Medway High School

  Montcalm Secondary School

  North Middlesex District High School

  Oakridge Secondary School

  Parkside Collegiate Institute

  A. B. Lucas Secondary School

  Arthur Voaden Secondary School

  B. Davison Secondary School

  Central Elgin Collegiate Institute

  Central Secondary School

  Clarke Road Secondary School

  College Avenue Secondary School

  East Elgin Secondary School

  Glencoe District High School

  Glendale High School

  Saunders Secondary School

  Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School

  Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School

  Strathroy District Collegiate Institute

  West Secondary School

  Westminster Secondary School

  Woodstock Collegiate Institute

What are the secondary schools under Thames Valley District School Board Thames Valley District School Board