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What are the features of the Victoria School District in Canada? What documents should I submit when applying?

  In recent years, the trend of studying in Canada is flourishing, more and more domestic students begin to apply to Canadian institutions, not only apply for university and many students apply for Canadian secondary schools, there are many secondary schools in Canada, the school under the jurisdiction of the Victoria School Board is very outstanding, is the first choice of many students, then I will take you to understand what are the characteristics of the Victoria School Board in Canada? The next I will take you to understand what are the characteristics of the Victoria School Board in Canada and what documents to submit when applying.

  Features of Victoria School District in Canada

  -Famous garden city, beautiful environment, one of the top ten most beautiful cities in the world

  -Good climate, one of the warmest cities in Canada

  -Rich residential area, one of the safest and most livable cities in the world

  -International student ratio is less than 3%, good language environment

  -Wide range of curriculum options, each school has its own strengths

  -Good quality of residential families, registered and managed by the school board

  Victoria School District, Canada Application Materials

  1. School application form $250 CAD

  2. application fee

  3. Copy of junior high school diploma

  4. Junior high school transcripts

  5. Proof of enrollment in high school

  6. high school transcripts

  7. Passport photo

  8. Passport copy

  Study Abroad Fees in Victoria, Canada

  Application fee: 250 / time

  Tuition Fee: $13000/year

  Host Family Placement Fee: $200 per placement

  Medical Insurance Fee: $850 / academic year

  Homestay Accommodation Fee: $8750/year

  Victoria School Board Secondary Schools in Canada

  Reynolds Secondary School

  Reynolds Secondary School is located just off a major bus route north of the school district center. Students can choose from a wide range of programs, including flexible learning programs, advanced grammar, co-operative education, media studies, recreation and leisure services, and building technology.

  Lambrick Park Secondary School

  Lambrick Park is located in the northernmost part of the school district, near a recreation complex. As part of the Lambrick Park Secondary School curriculum, Advanced Placement courses for exceptional students are offered in most general education subjects, as well as specialty subjects such as fine arts and industrial arts. (Also known as the Honors Program, this is a special learning opportunity for outstanding students)

  Esquimat High School

  Esquimat High School is located on a peninsula in the southwest of the school district. The school offers Advanced Placement courses in French, English and Art, Flex and Challenge courses, and career preparation courses in culinary training, graphic design, drama and music.

  Spectrum Community School

  Spectrum Community School is located in the northwest part of the school district, not far from Thetis Lake Park and next to a major bus route. Students can choose from a wide range of programs such as culinary training, business education, general mechanics, health sciences, video arts, entertainment and arts career preparation, and print communications.

  Mount Douglas High School Mount Douglas Secondary School

  Mount Douglas Secondary School Mount Douglas Secondary School is located in the northeastern part of the school district, adjacent to the University of Victoria. The school offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses in English, Calculus, Studio Art, and French. Monte. Douglas offers special courses in computer-assisted drafting, travel, Chinese, dance and advanced French courses.

  Oak Bay High School (OHS)

  Oak Bay High School is located near the village of Oak Bay and is connected to the colleges, the University of Victoria and downtown Victoria by several major bus routes. The school offers Advanced Placement courses for exceptional students, Advanced French courses, and advanced prerequisite courses in subjects such as English, visual arts, calculus and grammar. Specialty programs include Business Education, Applied Engineering Technology and Production Arts.

  Victoria High School

  Victoria High School, near downtown Victoria, was founded in 1876 and is west of the Great Lakes region of Canada. It is the oldest public school in the vast area north of San Francisco. The school offers 13 career-preparatory and specialty programs in chorus, dance, music, drama, carpentry/joinery, hospitality/tourism, visual arts, auto body, general mechanics, journalism, entrepreneurship, coaching, business education, and public service.

  The above is the main points related to the characteristics of the Victoria School Board in Canada, for your reference, hope to help you, if you have more questions can leave a message to consult us, IDP has a professional team for you to answer your questions, also wish you a happy journey to study abroad.

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