The Environmental Studies Undergraduate Major is characterized by its focus on equitable, just, and sustainable environmental solutions. Environmental professionals who emerge from the program are generalists who can identify and synthesize the ecological, social, ethical, economic, technical, and behavioral dimensions of critical environmental problems. Using qualitative and quantitative problem solving concepts, approaches, and tools, our students are prepared to synthesize and communicate appropriate environmental solutions.<br><br>Majors are typically involved in campus and community sustainability projects such as greenhouse gas assessment, water resource and sustainability assessment, climate action and sustainability planning, and urban restoration projects. The program engages actively in collaborations across the campus, locally, and internationally. The Major benefits by close association with the Geography Program, providing students access to training in the spatial analytical tools that can greatly leverage their expertise for careers as sustainability directors and environmental resource managers. The program also benefits from aggressive regional and state programs to promote environmental sustainability and social justice that make the San Francisco Bay Area a national hotspot for environmental careers.