The Institute for Ecological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences (TIEEES) offers a unique program for advanced interdisciplinary study leading to the doctoral (Ph.D.) degree. This program utilizes courses and faculty partners from Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Engineering, Environmental Science and Geology. Students accepted into the program are expected to enter with a master's degree in Biology, Ecology, Geology, Physical Science, Environmental Science, Chemistry or a related discipline. Candidates with a bachelor's degree may be accepted provided they demonstrate through their application exceptional qualities including research experience. A graduate course in basic statistics is also required. Most students are expected to have at least one published work related to their previous research experience.<br><br>The degree program has two components: (1) the course work component, and (2) the research component. The course work component requires a qualifying examination early in the Ph.D. program and not less than 60 semester hours, which includes credit for course work beyond the bachelor's degree and approved by the student's committee and the Baylor University Graduate School. Course credit from the master's degree may be applied for by petition to the Graduate School with a maximum of 24 hours allowable. After successfully completing all required course work, the student will concentrate on the remaining research planning leading to the preliminary examination, the doctoral research, dissertation preparation, and the final defense. The dissertation committee administers the preliminary (comprehensive) exam and evaluates the proposal and the student's preparedness in the area of his/her dissertation and related fields.