Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Policy - Undeclared
Your institution must submit an official copy of your high school transcripts listing all courses you have completed from all schools attended. Where appropriate, include official results and certificates of completion from national secondary school examinations such as GCSE/GCE, CBSE national and regional, CXC/CSEC and WAEC. Transcripts must be sent in the native language along with a certified English translation. The SAT or the ACT is required. If neither the SAT nor the ACT is available in your country, submit a written request for a waiver of this requirement with your application. Applicants who don't submit some form of official standardized testing may be at a competitive disadvantage.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) ibt: University of Maryland passing score: 95, Maryland English Institute score: 94 or lower. International English Language Testing System (IELTS): University of Maryland passing score: 7, Maryland English Institute score: 6.5 or lower
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:7
- 托福网考总分:95
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:NA
Environmental Science and Policy (ENSP) is a multidisciplinary program that produces problem solvers and leaders who are prepared to face today's environmental challenges. ENSP is a unique undergraduate major co-sponsored by three colleges. Students acquire a foundational understanding in science and policy through core classes, and then advance to specialized training and experiences in one of many academic disciplines ranging from biology to geology, and anthropology to government and politics. The linked perspectives offered by interdisciplinary education are often regarded as appropriate ways of addressing the complexity of global trends such as environmental change, global food security, the optimization of urban environments, and the development of green technologies. The Environmental Science and Policy program values the integration of the natural sciences and social sciences and how those disciplines can best shape good public policies. Taking courses from a wide variety of subject areas gives students the opportunity to consolidate learning by synthesizing ideas from many perspectives and encourages them to explore new knowledge in different areas of environmental science. We strongly believe this type of education will help ENSP students become more employable due to their ability to engage across disciplinary boundaries and help bridge the gap between science and policy-making decisions.<br><br>All incoming ENSP students begin as Undeclared in ENSP in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, where they explore concentrations and careers, internships, and campus activities. Your advisor will help you choose courses that help you explore your interests while keeping options open.
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马里兰大学帕克分校,是um系统的旗舰创始学校,成立于1862年。um—college park 也是全美大学联盟的61个盟校之一;与美国的其它名校,如uc-berkley、ucla、michigan—ann arbor或伊利诺大学—香槟分校都有合作教学的计划。地理位置优越,环境优良,在学术声望上也有全美前50的排名。由于马里兰大学帕克分校是一所州立大学,而且又有充足的研究经费与良好的学校声誉,它与民间的公私立机构建立了不错的互信关系。um总是不吝于提供马里兰州政府、地方性实验室、或各级学校机构它们的最新学术成果;而这些地方机构也都乐于提供um的学生可供研究的数据或任何工读机会。马里兰大学帕克分校也对不少非营利性机构提供协助,经过这几年的推行,已经有了不少丰硕的成果。马里兰大学学院市分校有八个图书馆,分别为McKeldin图书馆、McKeldin图书馆、艺术图书馆、建筑图书馆、工程与物理图书馆、Hornbake图书馆、表演艺术图书馆、Shady Grove图书馆与媒体中心、化学图书馆。 学校位于位于一个名为College Park的大学城之中,与美国首府华盛顿、文化中心巴尔地摩及州首府安纳玻里斯为邻,大学与他们之间的距离均在半个小时左右,整个城镇不但闹中取静,保存着浓厚的学术气氛之外;生活品质也有别于华盛顿特区的龙蛇杂处,享有非常好的治安。马里兰大学是世界最负盛名的综合性大学之一,也是美国最著名的公立研究型大学之一和美国大学联合会(Association of American University) 60名会员之一。作为马里兰州高等教育的典范和办学规模最大的学校,马里兰大学坚持以科研为特色,每个校区下设多个学院,授予本科、硕士、博士学位和各种技术职称。马里兰大学-帕克分校(Pepperdine University)在美国大学排名2012为第53名。