Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences - Neurological and Neuromuscular Disorders
A baccalaureate or professional degree (or equivalent foreign credential) from an accredited college or university, earned by the expected date of entry into your graduate program. Admission to the PhD program prefers an undergraduate degree in the natural sciences that demonstrates competence in the areas of biology, chemistry and biological chemistry.An earned cumulative grade-point average (GPA) equivalent to at least 3.0 out of 4.0 in all previous undergraduate college-level course work is required by the OSU Graduate School. 600 Paper-based TOEFL 100 Internet-based TOEFL (IBT) 8.0 IELTS
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- 雅思总分:8
- 托福网考总分:100
- 托福笔试总分:600
- 其他语言考试:86 MELAB
Research in neuroscience extends from studies on the molecular biology of individual nerve cells to the biological basis of normal and disordered behavior and cognition. Studies in the areas of cellular and molecular neurobiology continue to be instrumental in defining how cells in the nervous system carry out complex motor, sensory, and cognitive processes. Other than trauma, genetic abnormalities underlie the vast majority of neurological disorders. Thus, studies at the molecular, cellular, and systemic level are essential for understanding the mechanisms of disease processes as well as defining resulting phenotypes. Research emphasis by faculty in this area includes studies focused on the development and plasticity of neural circuits, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, neuromuscular diseases, movement disorders, neuroimmunology, neurotrauma and regeneration of circuits in the nervous system, circadian cycle neurobiology. Many faculty members have research interests in one or more of these areas of study. As a group, the neuroscience faculty work together to provide students with both a broad and deep knowledge of the nervous system as well as an opportunity to carry out focused research in a selected area of neuroscience interest. The core curriculum will provide the major foundation for graduate students requesting the transcript designation of neurological and neuromuscular disorders. All students requesting the transcript designation Neurological and Neuromuscular Disorders will be required to register in relevant classes to reach a total of 15 credit hours beyond the core curriculum. The one required course will provide a basic background in the organization of the nervous system that is essential for all students who want the designation on their transcript. In addition, students are required to enroll in the neuroscience seminar course or in a seminar series specifically related to the neurobiology of disease.
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俄亥俄州立大学主校区(The Ohio State University-Main Campus)坐落于美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布市,是一所历史悠久,享有盛名的美国研究型公立高等学府,同时也是本州排名第一的公立大学。俄亥俄州立大学始创于1870年,目前是美国规模最大的大学,今为十大联盟成员,是美国一所顶尖的公立大学,被誉为“公立常春藤”大学之一。在美国所有研究型大学里,综合排名15。 俄亥俄州立大学在哥伦布的主校园是美国最大的校园,威克斯纳艺术中心也位于哥伦布校园中。 俄亥俄州立大学的语言学系和商业、教育、政治学、舞蹈和工程学院均很著名。医学院的詹姆斯癌症医院是美国最先进的癌症研究所之一。学校共有19个学院、170个科系、约10,500种课程可以选择,供学生修习,俄亥俄州立大学(哥伦布分校)的学期制度采学季制Quarter,因此在这里攻读硕士学位,时间约1年半到2年左右的时间,便可完成学位归国。