Bachelor of Science in Applied Biotechnology - Industrial Plant and Microbial Biotechnology Emphasis
Focus on developing products and technologies to provide food, fuel, and medicine to serve a growing world population. When you major in applied biotechnology, you may customize your degree with one of three options to meet your interests: applied biotechnology, food and beverage fermentation, or industrial plant and microbial biotechnology The Applied Biotechnology program is right for you if: You want to understand, analyze, and implement innovations using biotechnology You enjoy performing research to generate data-driven answers You have a passion for working in collaborative teams within industries related to agriculture, food, and manufacturing You're conscious of growing world populations and the need for practical solutions to ensure an abundant supply of sustainable food, renewable energy, medicines, and materials You're committed to the ethical and responsible practice of science You want to educate the next generation about biotechnology, or You're considering pursuing a graduate degree. Recall, describe, and interpret foundational scientific facts, especially in the areas of chemistry and biology, Demonstrate digital and data literacy by retrieving and appraising publicly available scientific data, Design and perform hands-on experiments, collect, graph and record data, interpret research results, and conclude whether the results support or refute a hypothesis, Communicate scientific information in oral and written form to both professional and general audiences, Evaluate the use of biotechnology as a solution to a problem and compare its use to other solutions to the same problem, Work with others to solve complex problems and accomplish team goals, Embody and uphold the ethical and responsible practice of science. Microbial Genetics Engage in hands-on computer analysis of DNA sequences and gene cloning strategies.