PhD degrees are offered in the entomology program. Students undertaking graduate study will conduct independent research with an advisor from the Entomology Graduate Faculty engage in diverse areas of research. Thesis and dissertation research can be selected from any of these subject areas. As part of the graduate program students take courses in biological control of insect pests and weed, insect ecology, insect physiology, insect transmission of plant pathogens, systematics and phylogenetics and various special topics in genomics, conservation and pest management.<br>Intended candidates for the PhD program should have earned the MS degree in entomology or equivalent from a recognized institution. Those with a BS or BA may petition for admittance into the PhD program only after enrolling in the MS program. Important: In order for an applicant to be accepted into the graduate program, a faculty member must be willing and available to serve as the student's Advisor. <br><br>The goal of the PhD program is to have students possess broad general knowledge in all areas of entomology, in-depth knowledge in at least one area of specialization and develop the capability for independent research. Employment options for PhD graduates are in teaching, research, and extension at universities and in research, consulting or management with private industries and government agencies.<br><br>Expected student learning outcomes are:<br><br>Acquire and demonstrate competency/skills as a biologist <br>Acquire and demonstrate entomological knowledge necessary for professional success <br>Acquire and demonstrate communication and literacy skills <br>Demonstrate the ability to apply creative and critical thinking in the independent development and conduct of research<br><br>Students applying for graduate programs in entomology are expected to have acquired a bachelor's degree with credit hours in entomology and biology, including general biology, general entomology, integrated pest management, one year of chemistry, and an appropriate course in mathematics and/or statistics. Deficiencies in undergraduate preparation can be satisfied during the graduate program.