The College of Pharmacy, the oldest professional college at the University of New Mexico, was founded in 1945. The College of Pharmacy has more than 3,000 graduates of its professional program. Nearly two-thirds of all practicing pharmacists in New Mexico are graduates of the College of Pharmacy. The College of Pharmacy offers the professional program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. The program consists of four years of professional education. The Pharm.D. program emphasizes student-centered problem-based learning and requires nine months of advanced professional practice experiences during the fourth year, including experiences in ambulatory care, community-based and institutional settings. The Pharm.D. degree is the only professional degree offered by the College of Pharmacy. While in the Pharm.D. program, students have the option of applying for the clinical track Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Pharmaceutical Sciences after successful completion of the first professional year of Pharm.D. curriculum. In addition, the College of Pharmacy offers the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (research and development track) for those students who do not intend on becoming a pharmacist, but rather choose to work in the pharmaceutical sciences field. Students who complete this degree will have the knowledge and skills to work in the flourishing pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemical and related industries. Graduates of the research and development B.S. track can be employed in areas such as drug discovery, research and development, product formulation and manufacturing, clinical research, pharmacokinetics and metabolism.