Graduates are well prepared for the North American Pharmacists Licensure Examination (NAPLEX), which is required for licensure in Michigan and most other states. Ferris offers a pre-pharmacy/professional program leading to a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. Pre-Pharmacy consists of approximately two to three full-time academic years of study which can be completed in the College of Arts & Sciences at Ferris State University. Application guides are also available which outline pre-pharmacy courses that can be completed at most of the state's two and four-year institutions. The four-year professional degree program is then completed in the College of Pharmacy at Ferris State University. (First two years - Big Rapids, 3rd year - Grand Rapids, 4th year in clinical sites in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Flint/Saginaw, Traverse City, or Marquette and several other cities in Michigan).