Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Disorders
Prior to their anticipated start date, applicants must complete a bachelor's degree from a U.S. college or university accredited by a regional accrediting association, or complete an international degree that is equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree from a college or university recognized and approved by the Ministry of Education or Commission responsible for higher education in the country where the degree is earned. If you obtained your degree from a university outside of the U.S.Please submit your current transcripts from all colleges/universities attended, undergraduate and graduate, where nine (9) or more credits were earned. Current or final unofficial transcripts uploaded to the Additional Materials page of your application are acceptable. Upon admittance, official transcripts will need to be submitted, either electronically or in paper format, directly by each institution's Registrar to the Graduate Student Service Center. Review After You Apply for instructions on submitting official transcripts.
IELTS - 6.5, TOEFL IBT- 80 , PBT-550 , Duolingo English Test - 105
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:550
- 其他语言考试:Duolingo English Test - 105
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Communication Disorders provides an education in the methods of scholarship, teaching, and research. Students will obtain skills required for the creation and dissemination of basic and applied research in areas related to communication sciences and disorders. Pertinent experiences in the doctoral program include additional study in another field that is related to communication disorders, study of the basic methods of scientific investigation, and experience in the activities that are most typical of persons holding a doctoral degree (teaching, research, and writing). The departmental guidelines for doctoral study consist of procedures for planning a program of study, specification of minimum requirements for a program plan, including course work, research, and teaching experiences, procedures for completion of a comprehensive examination, and procedures for the conduct of the doctoral dissertation. These guidelines reflect the sequence of the major steps toward obtaining the doctoral degree. Research and teaching experiences may be obtained at any point along this path.
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麻省大学 - 安姆斯特校区(University of Massachusetts Amherst,UMass Amherst)由马萨诸塞州出资协助,是麻省大学系统中的旗舰分校区,属于研究型大学,并被授予美国“最佳公立大学”之一。学校的一大特色是为本科生提供了直接参与研究的机会。麻省大学 - 安姆斯特校区 每年有大约21,000大学生和6,200研究生,来自美国50个州及近100个其它国家,但大部分学生来自麻省。UMass为大学生及研究生提供了70多个国外学习及学生交流机会,并且国外有近100多个教育机构。马萨诸塞大学Amherst校区提供服务与志愿机会。 W.E.B. DuBois图书馆是美国最高的图书馆,是世界上最高的学术图书馆,也是创新的建筑设计的代表作。它将书架并入结构性支架中。这里收藏着非洲裔美国人和马萨诸塞州本土政治家的回忆录,如国会议员Silvio O. Conte.收藏书籍包括Social change and movements for social change,African American history and culture,Labor, work, and industry,Literature and the arts,Agriculture,The history of the region。综合科学与工程图书馆位于勒德尔研究生研究中心的2楼。雪莉格雷厄姆杜波伊斯图书馆在新非洲中心,生物科学图书馆在莫里尔馆,音乐储备实验室在美术中心。W.E.B. DuBois图书馆Learning Commons于2005年开放,提供了参考书、办公室的信息技术帮助台、学术咨询、写作中心、就业服务、用品和辅助技术中心。麻省大学 - 安姆斯特校区是美国全国大学体育协会( NCAA)之一,是the Atlantic Ten Conference成员之一,同时也是曲棍球东部协会成员之一。该分校体育部目前主办国男子校际棒球,篮球,越野,冰球,足球,长曲棍球,滑雪,足球,游泳和田径。他们还赞助妇女校际篮球,垒球,越野,划船,滑雪,足球,游泳,曲棍球,田径和网球。在体育俱乐部提供大学男子摔跤,女子赛艇,男子橄榄球,女子橄榄球,男子和女子的自行车比赛。马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校最不可忽视的优势之一便是五校联盟。Amherst College、Mount Holyoke college、Smith College、Hampshire College、UMASS,同处Pioneer Valley,组成Five College Consortium。其中Amherst College是全美排名第一的文理学院(LAC)。Smith college是全美最好的女校联盟”七姊妹女子学院“盟校之一,在美国声望显赫,MHC也是美国著名的女校, Hampshire College是一所新兴的一所学校,UMass Amherst是著名的综合性大学。这5个学校的联盟在美国的高校教育中也占有举足轻重的地位,他们之间的盟约是任何一个学校的学生都可以充分享受这五个学校的教学资源,学生可以在这五个学校间自由选择自己想上的课,图书资料也为联盟校共享。麻省大学历史悠久,至今有140多年的发展历史。该校在国际上享有很高的声誉,在2011年英国泰晤士报高等教育副刊上排名世界名气最大的100所大学中第19位,世界最好的200所大学中排名第56位。在US News 本科综合排名前100,在US News 上最好的全国性大学排行榜上排名54位。