Master of Music Education - Conducting
  • 学历文凭

    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系


  • 开学时间

  • 课程时长

  • 课程学费



In addition to the materials and information required in the on-line application, applicants to the Master of Music Education shall supply a detailed description of the applicant's teaching and/or other professional experience AND the additional, degree concentration-specific information or materials described below:

For the Instrumental (Primary) or Instrumental (Secondary) degree concentrations:

A recent recording (audio or video) of a band, orchestral, or choral performance, classroom instruction, or ensemble rehearsal that demonstrates teaching effectiveness. A video recording is preferred for teaching demonstrations.
An audition for the appropriate applied faculty that demonstrates your level of proficiency onyour primary instrument. Length and scope of this audition varies depending on the particular area/instrument. When you submit your on-line application materials, you will be given instructions on whom to contact to arrange this audition. (This audition will be evaluated by the appropriate applied music instructor whose assessment will be given to the Music Education faculty to be made a part of your total application.)
For the Vocal/General degree concentration:

A recent recording (audio or video) of a band, orchestral, or choral performance, classroom instruction, or ensemble rehearsal that demonstrates teaching effectiveness. A video recording is preferred for teaching demonstrations.
A 30-minute, live, accompanied audition before the applied voice faculty that demonstrates your level of proficiency as a singer. When you submit your on-line application materials, you will be given instructions on whom to contact to arrange this audition. (This audition will be evaluated by the voice faculty whose assessment will be given to the Music Education faculty to be made a part of your total application.)
For the Kodály Concept degree concentration:

A recent video recording of a band, orchestral, or choral performance, classroom instruction, or ensemble rehearsal that demonstrates teaching effectiveness.
For the National Board Certification concentration:

A recent video recording, with good audio quality, of classroom instruction or ensemble rehearsal that demonstrates teaching effectiveness.
For the Choral Conducting concentration:

A video recording, with good audio quality, of a recent performance and/or rehearsal. Preferably, the video should contain portions of a performance or performances and portions of a rehearsal or rehearsals that show the general skills of the conductor. (This recording will be evaluated by the Director of Graduate Choral Studies whose assessment will be given to the Music Education faculty to be made a part of your total application.)
For the Instrumental Conducting concentration:

A video recording from the point of view of the ensemble, with good audio quality, of a recent band or orchestral performance, classroom instruction, and/or ensemble rehearsal that demonstrates both teaching effectiveness and conducting skills. (This recording will be evaluated by the Director of Bands and/or the Director of Orchestral Studies, as appropriate, whose assessment will be given to the Music Education faculty to be made a part of your total application.)

Scoring 6.5 or higher on the IELTS, Scoring 79 or higher on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT)





  • 雅思总分:6.5
  • 托福网考总分:79
  • 托福笔试总分:550
  • 其他语言考试:NA
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The Mission of the School of Music at The University of Oklahoma is to advance learning, teaching, scholarly and creative activity, and service. Faculty and students will actively promote and contribute to the teaching profession, discover knowledge as performers and researchers, and enhance the discipline of music through professional service at the national and international levels. Established in 1903, the School of Music was the second School established on the OU campus and has been an Institutional Member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1931. The only doctoral granting music school in Oklahoma, the OU School of Music will serve its constituents through the artistic and scholarly productivity of its faculty, students and alumni. The University of Oklahoma will award music degrees in the areas of composition, education, musicology, performance and theory. The School of Music at OU will maintain its traditions while offering programs that prepare students for an evolving and diverse future.


  • 预科


  • 奖学金


  • 实习机会


  • 在校学习


  • 跨境学习


  • 校园授课-线上开始


  • 在线/远程学习



俄克拉荷马大学特色:1. 《美国新闻与世界报道》排名全美110所顶尖综合性大学之一。2. 超过150项本科学位课程,很多课程在全美名列前茅。大学在商科、工程学、气象学和舞蹈方面全美领先。3. 学术卓越度与全面评估方面,被《普林斯顿评论》和《机构研究与评估》认可为全美最佳公立大学之一。      学校创建于1890年,它是一所杰出的教育机构,在学术方面的卓越以及强烈的社区意识而享有盛名。学校拥有注册学生3万多名,全职教师2700多名,在良好的学习氛围中为学生提供重点大学的学习经历。学校仅诺曼校区就有来自超过110个国家的1800多名国际学生。      全校研究人员,教员和其他工作人员的支持、创新与不懈努力之下,学校成就了今天的辉煌。小班授课的教学模式(师生比为18:1)使得教员们能够对学生有更多的个体关注,并可以更好的满足学生们在教育方面的需求。      英语语言中心可以为各个层次的英语学习者提供强化英语课程。课程是专为想要快速提高英语水平的高动力学生设计的,每周有20个小时的专业指导。同时,英语语言中心还为想要在美国大学就读的国际学生提供托福和雅思培训。此外,在课程中还会为学生提供非常广泛的文化活动以保证学生的全面发展。语言中心会在春季和秋季开设7周的课程,在夏季开设6周的课程。      学校的Sooner Jump Start(SJS)是一项桥梁课程,他为想要入学的学生提供了一个通道。SJS课程是一年期(两学期)的课程,是为了支持国际学生成功从中等院校转入大学而专门设计的。另外,在学术课程方面,SJS提供个人成长和领导力训练,来帮助学生们为未来的挑战做好准备。      学校被美国新闻与世界报道为数个研究生课程列入全美前75位。学校排名最高的课程有:商科、英语、教育、法律、地球科学、历史、图书馆与信息研究、数学和公共健康学。      国际生服务中心致力于帮助学生适应文化的转变并丰富文化认知,帮助大学的申请生处理移民事务,使得大学的国际学生能够有良好的学习环境去实现个人的发展。欢迎点击此处,了解更多有关国际生服务中心。      实习机会根据专业的不同而有所不同,但所有的课程都鼓励学生进行实习或参加外海留学课程,去收获更多真实世界的实践经验,以便为将来步入职场做好准备。       学校的学术奖学金如果被学生申请,学生必须提交SAT或ACT成绩,并且需要在高中阶段保持优秀的分数。在2月1日之前提交申请并获得成功的学生可在第一年(新生年)获得奖学金。根据申请的奖学金项目不同,所需申请资质也有所不同,有竞争力的分数标准一般为:SAT成绩在1170分-1360分(或更高);GPA3.5分或更高。录取截止日期● 春季学期:11月1日● 夏季学期:3月1日● 秋季学期:4月1日      学校因在学术方面的卓越以及强烈的社区意识而享有盛名。




