Contribute to a rapidly evolving area of/ practice and research that is becoming increasingly relevant to modern society Benefit from our expertise in qualitative and quantitative methodologies (using subjective measures, objective measures, and biological assessments of health) Conduct research in our multi-million-pound facilities Train in advanced and innovative research methods to prepare for your career Develop your consultancy skills by completing a work placement Upon successful completion of this PhD, gain the Stage 2 requirements needed to register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to work with patients as a practitioner psychologist (health psychologist).<br><br>In your first year you will focus on the design of your PhD and complete four compulsory training courses covering quantitative and qualitative research methods, professional academic skills, and teaching and training. You will also familiarise yourself with relevant literature, create a research plan, develop your methodological and analytic skills, and complete your first study.<br><br>You will develop research methods and improve your communication skills to effectively convey your findings. You will collect and analyse data, complete a detailed literature review and then write up your PhD thesis. Depending on your research area, data collection can take place in schools, hospitals, laboratories or online. <br><br>Throughout your registration you will also work on your Stage 2 competencies by applying the knowledge you covered at Stage 1 (your MSc in Health Psychology) alongside working on your PhD. Your PhD will partly fulfil the research competency and may also fulfil some of the other competencies, depending on the research studies. The other competencies will need to be completed with additional studies or the placement.