A Diploma ofPhotographyand Photo Imagingdevelops your technical and conceptual skills, beginning with the essentials. The course typically covers a variety of photographic directions and styles.With a focus on practical experience including camera skills, lighting, image manipulation and studio management, this diploma offers theknowledgerequiredto startabusiness, orwork inaphotography'studio or agency.<br><br>This course will give you a broad base of generalist photography and photo imaging knowledge and experience. Interweaving theory and practice, you will gain skills in using software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Premiere, and equipment, such as DSLR cameras, studio lighting and video rigs. Youll explore both still-image and videoformats andlearn real workplaceprocedures, so you have the confidence to manage many types of photography projects from start to finish. With exercises grounded in industry practice and access to studio spaces, you can refine your skills and experiment with different techniques. Guided by lecturers who are professional photographers, youllidentify and explore your own personal style.