This innovative course focuses on the development of a significant experimental animation production that synthesises research undertaken in areas such as drawing, live-action, drawing on film, under camera manipulation, stop-frame animation, pixilation and sound as art. A strong independent research base will underpin individual practice.Challenging the parameters of film and video production, and identifying new approaches to the notion of art films will be encouraged, as will incorporating experimentation in production and post-production stages.The MA Animation is made up of four units totalling 180 credits. The programme is designed to help you acclimatise to the challenges of MA level research and practice, enabling you to identify and describe a clear direction for your postgraduate design study. You will be encouraged to develop design propositions that encompass key design issues and have complexity and ambition, taking full consideration of the relative contextual drivers. You will also be encouraged and supported to extend your experience in the professional sphere, either through a practical project, research context, exchange, work experience, or other negotiated professional set of interactions with an external partner, groups of students and creative industry. Towards the end of the programme you will undertake a major project to consolidate your past research and practice into fully realised collections, pieces, proposals, business plans, or exhibitions whatever means is appropriate to the work. ou will also have developed a strategy for the continuation of your practice located and contextualised to the profession or discipline.If you choose to progress to MFA Animation award you will study a further two units of 60 credits each.This route is focused on the continuation of your practice aligned to the research and selection of appropriate public or professional venues and platforms to disseminate a significant body of work. You will be required to produce work for a public audience in the most relevant and appropriate form along with any implicit publicity and dissemination material.<br><br>###COVID Alert Message from University – 9th November 2020 is the latest possible arrival date. Deadline for attending sessions on campus if required to quarantine is 23rd November 2020 for 14 day quarantine and 16th October for 7 day quarantine. A Student staying in University accommodation will only be charged from arrival date and will not be charged for the quarantine period if required to quarantine on arrival. All late arriving students required to start online from 14th September.