Master of Business Administration in Management
  • 学历文凭

    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系


  • 开学时间

  • 课程时长

  • 课程学费



All Graduate Programs in the John E. Simon School of Business have the same admission and application requirements.

Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university
Application for Admission

Admission Essay / Personal Statement

Official transcripts from the baccalaureate degree-granting institution.
* Additional official and/or unofficial transcripts may be requested during admission for financial aid reviews.

Official transcripts representing all graduate coursework.

Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale

minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale for the Data Analytics program

Resume (Optional)
Conditional Admission: Applicants with a cumulative undergraduate GPA below 3.0 may be considered for conditional admission.

International applicants to the graduate programs in the John E. Simon School of Business must demonstrate English proficiency in one of the following ways

TOEFL IBT 79 or higher (no subscore lower than 18). The test date must be within two years of application.

IELTS Score of 6.0 or higher (no subscore lower than 5.5). Test date must be within two years of application

PTE Academic Score of 54 or higher. The test date must be within two years of application.

DET Score of 105 or higher. The test date must be within one year of application.

Undergraduate degree earned in the United States.

Medium of instruction letters are only accepted for countries AACRAO identifies as a medium of instruction is English country.

From a country where English is the first and official language of the country.

Some programs may also require an interview and/or writing sample.

Maryville University does not offer admission without the submission of a test score or other proof of English proficiency.





  • 雅思总分:6
  • 托福网考总分:79
  • 托福笔试总分:160
  • 其他语言考试:PTE Academic Score of 54 or higher<br>DET Score of 105 or higher
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the fast-paced and ever-changing world of business. The curriculum is designed to provide students with hands-on experience in applying business theory to real-world situations. Students will prepare for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter as business leaders.<br><br>In addition to core coursework, students can specialize in Accounting, Emerging and Digital Media, Finance, Health Administration, Human Resources Management, Management, Marketing, or Software Development.<br><br>Students can enhance their credentials with a graduate certificate in Cybersecurity Incident Response, Cybersecurity Penetration Testing, Data Analytics, or Project Management. Students are encouraged to choose elective coursework that aligns with their career goals and interests.<br><br>The MBA is available in the evening in-person or online. Students can select a part-time or a full-time accelerated format. The MBA is accredited by ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs).<br><br>Program Outcomes <br>A graduate of the Maryville University MBA program should be able to:<br><br>Explain the skills that steer organizational change and those that foster the human element driving organizational performance.<br>Demonstrate practical, analysis and desktop data visualization skills required of modern-day business professionals.<br>Develop viable solutions for real-world business problems based on data-driven analysis applicable to multiple domains.<br>Analyze the impact of legal and ethical principles in business activities.<br>Articulate, orally and in writing, the unique value contributed by various business functional areas to organizational performance and achievement of strategic outcomes.<br>Students must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours, including 27 credit hours of MBA core coursework plus 9 elective credit hours. Students may select a concentration or a certificate (12 credit hours).<br><br>Depending upon the student's academic background, prerequisite coursework may be required. Students with an undergraduate degree outside the area of business must take BUS-501, Survey of Business. Students without undergraduate coursework in accounting must take ACCT 509 Financial Accounting. Credit hours earned for ACCT 509 and BUS 501 may be required for the program but do not count toward the credit hours required for the degree.<br><br>Students who complete a concentration or certificate in Accounting, Cybersecurity Threat Detection, Cybersecurity Penetration Testing, Data Analytics, Finance, Health Administration, or Software Development and later choose to earn a second master's degree or certificate in their completed concentration area may only use 6 hours of credit toward fulfillment of requirements for the second degree. Students who complete the MBA degree may not later choose to earn a second Master's degree in Management & Leadership and vice versa.


  • 预科


  • 奖学金


  • 实习机会


  • 在校学习


  • 跨境学习


  • 校园授课-线上开始


  • 在线/远程学习



玛丽维尔大学是一所具有国际声誉的私立大学,位于密苏里州圣路易斯市中心附近。它以创新的教育模式而闻名,将学生的成果和毕业之后的成功放在首位。玛丽维尔大学让毕业生有能力建立成功的职业生涯,学生可以在这里得到一个多元、包容的学习环境,并获得严格的、技术驱动、启发型的优质教育。大学与各行各业的领导者合作,确保学生掌握最紧缺的技能,并获得宝贵的实习和领导经验,帮助他们在各自的领域内更上一层楼。玛丽维尔大学为来自56个国家/地区的近3000名本科生提供90多门本科、硕士和博士水平的学位课程。被《Kiplinger's》和《福布斯》评为美国顶级大学,玛丽维尔大学为学生提供了出色的教育体验。学生与教师的比例仅为14:1,在玛丽维尔工作的行业专家为学生提供了大量个性化指导和辅导的机会。这种教学质量,加上专门为在校学生和校友提供的就业服务,使玛丽维尔大学毕业生的职业成果率达到了98 百分。迷人而便利的玛丽维尔校园是一个充满活力和令人兴奋的学习场所,为学生提供100多个俱乐部和组织,他们可以在学习的同时加入。玛丽维尔每年还举办成千上万的学生活动。支持服务包括个人咨询以及健康和福利设施,以改善玛丽维尔学生的生活。玛丽维尔大学的专业课程,如室内设计、网络安全和医疗保健管理,在全国都有很高的排名。




