Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics - Analysis and Partial differential equations
Applicants will be required to upload a copy of transcripts received from each college or university attended where credit was earned toward an undergraduate, graduate or professional degree. Transcripts for study abroad or transfer programs are not required if the course titles, grades, and credit hours are included on the transcript of the degree-granting institution. If the transcript is in a language other than English, please provide an official translation. If you are offered admission, you will be required to request that official hard copy transcripts from all of your degree granting institutions be sent directly to Tufts.
Letters of Recommendation
Personal Statement
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Three letters of recommendation
Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
A minimum TOEFL score of 90 on the internet based exam is required for Certificate, MA, MS, and PhD applicants,
The minimum IELTS score is 6.5. The minimum Duolingo English Test score is 110.
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:90
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:Duolingo Test score is 110
The Analysis cluster at Tufts includes a range of specialties that cross over between pure and applied math, with common interests in harmonic analysis, PDEs, and integral geometry.<br><br>Harmonic analysis is an abstract generalization of Fourier theory that includes the study of Laplacians and their spectra on manifolds and in many other geometric settings. Partial differential equations (PDEs) are omnipresent in applications of mathematics to physics, from the time of Fourier and Maxwell onwards. Integral geometry is the study of integral transforms that integrate functions over curves or surfaces in Euclidean space or manifolds.<br><br>Fulton Gonzalez works in harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces and in integral geometry, using tools from representation theory, functional analysis, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry. Todd Quinto's pure research involves the use of microlocal analysis in integral geometry, with applications to harmonic analysis and PDEs. Bruce Boghosian studies periodic solutions to PDEs that exhibit spatiotemporal chaos, such as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations that govern the dynamics of flame fronts. James Adler's research uses tools from numerical analysis (including finite elements) for studying the solution of PDEs. Xiaozhe Hu's research studies the qualitative properties of PDEs such as stability and well-posedness for developing efficient and robust numerical methods. James Murphy uses methods from harmonic analysis, spectral graph theory, and high-dimensional statistics for theoretical machine learning.
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塔夫茨大学(又名塔夫斯大学,Tufts University,Tufts)建于1852年,60多个专业可供选择,师资力量强大。几乎所有学生在校期间会参加实习或研究项目,学生毕业6个月后的就业率以及继续深造比率达到90%。塔夫茨大学(又名塔夫斯大学,Tufts University,Tufts)拥有卓越的学术水平,是一所全球范围内享有声誉的研究型大学。塔夫茨大学优秀的以及富有创造性的师生们成就了学校的独一无二。这里的一切总是让人意想不到:比如学术涉猎或技艺展现上,校队队员们也会活跃在剧场的舞台,艺术史的学生也会涉猎工程心理学,每个角落你都能发现学生们活跃的身影。作为一所大型研究型院校,塔夫茨大学Tufts提供大量机会,给师生以家的感觉,小班授课,师资水准不亚于及其注重学术的小型文理类院校。工程系学生或是文理院系学生不仅活跃在课堂之上,而且在宿舍抑或田径场上也可见他们才智的综合展现。跨学科思维是塔夫茨大学的准则,这样的思维方式另学生不必为难于是术业专攻/还是广泛涉猎的抉择当中。在塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)你将见怪不怪:游走于闲暇的周末时光,你可以会遇到化学工程的理科生指导经典喜剧的舞台表演演练;篮球队队员进行着营养学研究实验或是演绎着芭蕾舞蹈;抑或一位阿拉伯语和经济学双学位学生任职LGBT组织主席。但有一点很显然,塔夫茨大学的学生总是忙不停。塔夫茨大学就是这么一个令人不可思议的社区。