In statistics, the Bachelor of Science degree stresses both the theoretical and the applied sides of the subject and is one of the few undergraduate statistics programs in the country. In addition to extensive course work in statistics, the student is exposed to computer science, ethics (relevant to decisions that statisticians must make on the job), and advanced writing (obviously a useful skill). Concentrated study (16 credits) in some field to which statistics can be applied, such as computer science, engineering, a science, economics, psychology, or another subject of the student's interest, is also required. In mathematics, we offer a basic Bachelor of Arts degree and a more rigorous Bachelor of Science degree. (There is no universal meaning assigned to these names, which date back hundreds of years. Different schools use them to mean different things, such as whether one has studied a foreign language. In our department we have chosen to offer an expanded program under the B.S. label, one requiring two additional mathematical sciences courses, one additional computer science course, and a more in-depth study of a field to which mathematics can be applied.) We also offer a Bachelor of Science degree in actuarial science, in cooperation with the School of Business Administration.