The Exercise Science program provides opportunities for students to satisfactorily achieve the standards and competencies outlined by the Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences (CoAES). The program framework is designed to prepare students to become certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM EP) or by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA CSCS).The overarching goal is to prepare competent entry-level Exercise Science professionals in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. The program curriculum is aimed to prepare students for positions in commercial, community, corporate, and/or clinical settings. The program provides students a strong foundation to prepare for graduate education in exercise physiology, cardiac rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, chiropractic, sports nutrition, and other allied health disciplines.