Recreation Administration (RA) is a Health and Human Services degree program and contributes to the health and well-being of individuals and enhances the quality of community life. Our courses encourage students to learn and participate in hands-on activities to help all people live healthy, enjoyable, active, and meaningful lifestyles. Recreation Administration majors are active in the classroom and the community. The profession focuses on the principles underlying recreational activities and the practices involved in providing the general public's indoor and outdoor recreational facilities and services. These recreational activities and services occur in outdoor recreation, parks and recreation, recreational therapy programs for people with disabilities, special events, sports and entertainment facilities, travel and tourism, and senior and youth-serving organizations. This field of study helps us to understand social behavior and environmental sciences, helping people grow and develop in their leisure pursuits while conserving our natural resources.<br>Fundamental skills and knowledge for traveling outdoors by map and compass, and by knowledge of natural features<br><br>Leisure as related to the individual and society<br>A knowledge of the conference, convention, and meeting industry, inclusive of the design, budgeting, and programming principles used within the industry.The development of budgets and data analysis methods for park, recreation, and tourism agencies through the use of a variety of computer programs