The Master of Social Work (MSW) program is an advanced generalist with an emphasis on working in rural and Indigenous communities. The program teaches students how to achieve a disciplined, compassionate presence to a caring, and ethical practice.<br><br>The goals of the MSW Program are to:<br>1. Prepare students for professional social work practice responsive to the challenges and resources present in rural areas and indigenous communities.<br>2. Present local, historical, and contemporary social issues within a global perspective.<br><br>The program prepares students for advanced generalist practice which emphasizes multi-system, multi-level approaches in which practitioners and clients work in collaboration to enhance the functioning and resilience within systems through building on existing strengths. <br><br>Students develop a framework for practice guided by personal and professional values and ethics. Cultural humility, compassion, partnership, empowerment, non-expert relational paradigms, critical reflection, and social action for justice are the concepts that form the foundation for learning and developing social work practice at Cal Poly Humboldt.