Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work
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All persons who hold or will have earned an MSW degree by the time they begin doctoral studies are eligible to apply to the PhD program, the addition of two years of post-MSW professional work experience would present a stronger application.

All applicants must take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and provide competitive scores that are no more than five years old. Please note, however, that the five-year requirement on test scores does not apply to students who received an MSW degree from UGA. There is no equivalent test or waiver for the GRE. Applicants should also have an overall undergraduate grade point average of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and an overall graduate (MSW) GPA of no less than 3.5 is also recommended.

The vita/resume, professional goals statement, scholarly writing sample and letters of recommendation should be uploaded to the Graduate School application portal when you apply.

A copy of your vita/resume is required.

Professional Goals Statement
The PhD Admissions Committee considers the personal statement to be a significant part of the application. This statement will be used to assess your writing skills, research interests and potential, career goals, and overall fit with the PhD program. The statement should be no more than 5 pages and address the following questions:

How have your unique biography, academic training, and practice experiences informed your desire and ability to pursue a PhD in social work?
What are the primary areas of research you would like to explore during your doctoral training? And, what is the significance of these lines of inquiry within social work and beyond?
What specifically attracts you to the University of Georgia social work PhD Program?
Please identify any faculty within the School of Social Work or at the University of Georgia who are well positioned to support you in exploring your research interests. If your research interests are inter- or trans-disciplinary, please articulate linkages with those other fields.
What are your career goals and how would a PhD in social work help you achieve those goals?

Are there any other factors that should be considered in the evaluation of your application?
Please organize your personal statement as a cohesive essay, rather than a list of discrete answers to the questions posed.

Scholarly Writing Sample
Applicants must submit a recent, single-authored, scholarly writing example that provides evidence of the individual's capacity to conceptually organize material in a coherent and logical manner, to write clearly and concisely calling upon prior scholarship and/or theory, and – more generally – to demonstrate the applicant's readiness to undertake doctoral-level work. The submission should be a ''clean'' copy (i.e., free of editorial markings.

Letters of Recommendation
Applicants must submit three recommendation letters that speak to their potential for success in the doctoral program, aptitude for research and teaching, and capacity to engage in collaborative research. Recommendations from individuals who have supervised your research and scholarly work (e.g., research project supervisors, thesis advisors, professors) tend to be the most useful during the selection process and should comprise the majority.

Minimum TOEFL score requirement: overall score of 80 with at least 20 on speaking and writing
Minimum IELTS score requirement: overall band-width of 6.5, with no single band (score) below 6.0





  • 雅思总分:6.5
  • 托福网考总分:80
  • 托福笔试总分:550
  • 其他语言考试:Minimum Duolingo score requirement: overall score of 105
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The University of Georgia PhD Program in Social Work provides the professional social worker the opportunity to gain advanced training in scientific research and program evaluation skills, for the purposes of developing knowledge that promotes social justice. The mission of the PhD Program draws upon two important areas of concern to the profession of social work: evidence-based knowledge about human behavior and social problems, and the applications of such knowledge through practice. Recognizing that MSW education is designed to prepare practitioners for our field, the emphasis of the PhD Program is upon the development and dissemination of evidence-based knowledge to undergird effective practice throughout the profession.<br><br>The Ph.D. Program at the UGA School of Social Work began in 1990 and has produced over 90 graduates, most of whom have gone on to assume academic, research or administrative positions. The program prepares social work professionals for careers in academic research settings and for practice in program evaluation and other forms of scientific research in the public and private sectors. The overall goals are to help students acquire the research skills necessary to develop original research studies that have direct applications to social work practice. In addition, we emphasize learning about teaching so that our graduates are able to provide quality instruction to the next generation of social work students.<br><br>The Ph.D. curriculum is a series of required research courses, two research practica, other courses in the School of Social Work, three courses in statistics and advised cognates taken outside the School. Ph.D. students also sign up for course hours that match the following events: Comprehensive Examinations, Prospectus Defense, and Dissertation Defense. While there has been great variance in the length of time needed to finish the program, future full-time students should plan to complete the Ph.D. Program in 3-4 years


  • 预科


  • 奖学金


  • 实习机会


  • 在校学习


  • 跨境学习


  • 校园授课-线上开始


  • 在线/远程学习







乔治亚大学历史悠久,校园内最为古老的学建立于1801年,在大学部课程方面,提供了173个不同领域中19种的学士学位,而在研究所课程方面,提供了130个不同领域中25种的学士学位,丰富而多样的课程内容,让许多海内外的学生都将乔治亚大学列为主要选择之一。乔治亚大学开设79种学位项目,每年招收26000多名本科生和9000多名研究生。该校在《2011美国新闻与世界报道》的全美公立研究型大学排第18位, 其传播学院与公共行政学院更为全美最顶尖的五所学校之一, 并为美国电视花生人奖(peabody Awards)的主办大学, 被誉为美国南方三所公立常春藤大学之一。乔治亚大学拥有不少历史建筑群与美国南方特色建筑, 大部分皆座落于南与北校园, 除了传统历史建筑外, 最近十几年乔治亚大学不断的扩建硬件设备, 包括新的学生活动中心, 学生学习中心,大学艺术博物馆及演奏厅和全新的新学生宿舍。乔治亚大学位于佐治亚州东北部的雅典城(Athens),距州府亚特兰大90公里,是全美国最大的大学城之一。乔治亚州农业很发达,旅游业也很盛, 每年由州外之地来此游乐的人, 花费多至四亿美元。雅典城附近为幅员辽阔的森林,十分潮湿。这里气候变化明显,夏天为潮湿的天气,平均温度摄氏20度-32度。冬天气候干冷,会到摄氏零度左右。雅典城每年有许多艺术文化的盛宴,生活便利,课业之余可以参观城内的博物馆、艺术馆,或是从事户外的休闲游憩活动。




