Western Michigan University's Bachelor of Science degree in Youth and Community Development is a course of professional development for youth workers in afterschool and out-of-school time programs, and informal learning environments. It is based on theoretical perspectives in childhood, adolescent, and family development, best pedagogical practices, and grounded in an ethic of family engagement and social action. It prepares change agents to transform communities through an intentional investment in youth with interdisciplinary coursework and community-based experiences. Youth development professionals assume roles in afterschool, community service and youth activism programs, public and private human services organizations and agencies, dropout prevention and alternative education, and juvenile justice. Students may also assume positions in informal learning environments such as museums, nature centers, environmental education, and outdoor and adventure programs.<br>The program is situated at the intersection of developmental theory, socio-ecological context, and youth worker skills and competencies. This program is rooted in community psychology and the prevention sciences to provide a foundation for studying setting-level interventions and developmental needs. Instructors invite students to critically examine youth in context of families and communities, root causes, and how individuals and organizations can address social inequalities. Students will study the practice of the youth worker to develop understandings and competencies in organizing effective learning environments and experiences to promote human flourishing.