International law refers to an area of law that has traditionally focused on agreements and norms governing the relations between sovereign states during times of peace and war. Today, however, the scope of meaning for this term has been dramatically expanded to encompass all forms of human activity between private actors, corporations, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, international, non-state, para-military groups and governments. Lawyers today encounter an increasing number of international legal issues, no matter how and where they practice law. Technology and modern transportation and communications systems which pervade the dimensions of our lives work, family, social relations, education and entertainment increase the likelihood that there will be significant international dimension to the professional work of lawyers. Corporations are increasingly capable of shifting capital and labor supply chains across borders, as well as trading with overseas companies. Not only the transnational character of many businesses, even if they are not large, but also the increase in international activity by governments and regional bodies, translates into complexity and new exposure to, or confrontation with, international legal issues. The exponential rise in international transactions and in the movement of people, goods and services has ensured that legal systems must adapt to this new transnational reality.