Master of Science in Communication
  • 学历文凭

    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系


  • 开学时间

  • 课程时长

  • 课程学费



Admission eligibility is based on receipt of a baccalaureate degree equivalent to a United States four-year bachelor's degree from a college or university recognized as an institution of higher education by the Ministry of Education in the relevant country or be regionally accredited within the U.S. prior to matriculating into a graduate program.
To be considered for regular admission, applicants must have a minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or the equivalent (on the U.S. 4.0 scale). Applicants who have earned 9 or more letter-graded graduate credits must have a minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 or the equivalent, this graduate GPA supersedes the undergraduate GPA.
GRE scores: Although we encourage all students to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), the exam is required only for students who select the Research Track and apply for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship.
If you are submitting GRE scores, the application system will ask you to upload a copy of your scores. Although this is initially sufficient, official scores will still need to be sent (direct from the testing service) to Portland State University #4610. Please ensure that you have made arrangements for your scores to be sent to #4610, as the application system is not able to request this for you.
Statement of purpose: The faculty would like to know more about you. Tell us about your academic background and your short-term and long-term goals. Tell us how your interests align with our program: what can we offer you? What can you offer us? How will the master's degree fuel your needs?
Writing sample: Submit at least one writing sample that illustrates your craft. Choose something that illuminates your skills: a college paper, a blog or a recent document from your professional career. You may submit more than one writing sample if you choose.
3 Letters of Recommendation: The online application system will allow you to ask 3 individuals to send us letters on your behalf. We prefer hearing from professors and academics, and, if you have been away from the classroom, ask your supervisor or mentor. Recommenders should not be family or friends. We hope to hear from those who can speak to your ability to succeed in graduate studies. Recommenders will be asked to write a letter addressing the following qualities:
Logical reasoning ability
Writing and speaking skills
Emotional maturity
Intellectual motivation
Ability to accept and give criticism
If you are applying for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship, please be sure to let your recommenders know that you are applying and ask them to discuss in their recommendation your ability to work in a team and your willingness to help undergraduate students.

Transcripts: For the online graduate application, you will be required to upload scanned copies of your transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attended, regardless of the number of credits earned. If admitted, you will then be required to submit true official transcripts from all colleges or universities as the last step.
Portland State University requires a minimum of 600 for the paper-based test (TOEFL), or 250 for the computer-based test, or 100 for the internet-based test with no sub-score below 22. Minimum IELTS-score requirements are individual scores of 7.0 or greater.





  • 雅思总分:7
  • 托福网考总分:100
  • 托福笔试总分:600
  • 其他语言考试:NA
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


It's time for you to start thinking bigger and more broadly about communication. Our two-year graduate program can make that happen. Earn your Master's in Communication and become a competent professional and interpersonal communicator.<br><br>In the Communication program, you will work one-on-one with faculty mentors who are experts in social science research. You'll be guided as you develop your own communication and research skills to create positive future change and influence global dialogue. As an MS student at Portland State, you can tailor your Communication degree to help you achieve your next goal.<br><br>COMMUNICATION MASTER'S DEGREE: WHY PSU<br>Join a diverse community at Portland State University, where bike-commuting, food-carts and creative cultures meet. Our downtown campus features faculty who are experts in media and technology, politics, health, conversation, persuasion, and propaganda. Let knowledge serve the city by using your newfound communication and research skills to improve your community. Our program offers competitive positions as Graduate Teaching Assistants, take advantage of the opportunity to have your tuition paid by the university<br><br>We are proud to nurture a tightly knit graduate community. You'll be encouraged to take initiative and make bold inquiries into the field as you work closely with faculty mentors.


  • 预科


  • 奖学金


  • 实习机会


  • 在校学习


  • 跨境学习


  • 校园授课-线上开始


  • 在线/远程学习







波特兰州立大学不仅仅是俄勒冈州波特兰市的公立研究大学,该大学的创新方法是将教育与创造性解决问题的技能和合作结合起来,以产生最大的影响。 波特兰州立大学(PSU)有26000多名学生,其中35%来自不同的文化背景。PSU有200多门学位课程可供选择,是俄勒冈州最多样化、最创新、最实惠的研究型大学。 学生与教师的比例为18:1,平均班级人数为30人,学生从小规模班级总受益。波特兰州立大学位于美国西北部的俄勒冈州波特兰市。波特兰州立大学被评为美国最具创新的大学之一(《美国新闻与世界报道》)。其他奖项包括: 俄勒冈州最实惠的研究型大学(最佳性价比学校) 全国最多元化的大学之一(Niche) 对LGBTQ最友好的十大校园(Campus Pride Index) 俄勒冈州社会流动性第一(《美国新闻与世界报道》) 全美前50所绿色大学之一(《普林斯顿评论》) 在气候危机中最有所作为的十所大学之一(该大学的服务学习在美国排名第5(《美国新闻与世界报道》)。为了毕业,100%的学生要完成一个基于社区的项目或实习。学生生活校园设施包括学生健康和咨询中心,11个文化和资源中心以及金融服务机构。校园里有餐车、绿树成荫的公园街区、现场音乐活动、200个学生团体,并且设施位于俄勒冈州波特兰市的中心。从PSU占地50英亩的校园,学生可以步行到实习单位,沿着威拉米特河骑自行车,并免费搭乘城市有轨电车。波特兰充满了咖啡店、自行车道、微型啤酒厂、公园、画廊、市场和表演场所。学生们也可以很容易地到达哥伦比亚河峡谷、太平洋、胡德山和威拉米特山谷。




