The Languages program offers a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Spanish, a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Languages for Business Professions, a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Spanish for the Health Professions, minors in French, German, Spanish, and Japanese, Certificates in Basic and Advanced language, and an Associate of Art (AA) degree in Russian. These courses prepare students for careers in the health professions, interpreting, translation, business, marketing, government, teaching, research, and public service. Language majors are expected to achieve satisfactory levels of proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing and to acquire knowledge of the literature, history, and culture of a language. In addition, majors in languages can pursue interdisciplinary studies in related fields or add to more professional fields a foundational linguistic component advantageous for employment opportunities. Cultural competence and the development of a critical, analytical, and composition skills are crucial for career success in our world today. Global Studies and Languages was created by the joining of the department of Languages and Literatures and the International Studies program in order to more effectively and adequately prepare students for global leadership and employment. The goal of the Department of Global Studies and Languages is to impart skills in cross-cultural understanding, language, international diplomacy, and business abilities. The program at Idaho State University opens a world of opportunities for local and international careers in public service, health professions, entrepreneurship, and politics as students expand their talents and intellectual horizons beyond their own local experience. By enhancing their analytical and problem-solving skills, deepening their mastery of the history, politics, traditions, literature, and civilizations associated with other regions of the world, and speaking, listening, reading, and writing in languages other than English, students gain an understanding of areas as diverse as global market relations, communications and consumption, population movements, and the globalization of cultures, politics, and economies.