FSHN faculty address a wide-variety of research areas related to human nutrition. Clinical nutrition, community nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, nutrigenomics, and nutritional toxicology are the general areas of strength for the FSHN human nutrition faculty.<br>The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition offers traditional graduate programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees with either a food science or human nutrition concentration.Graduate studies in food science prepare students to apply the principles of science and engineering to ensure the quantity, quality, variety, attractiveness, and safety of foods. Graduates pursue careers in industry, academia, and governmental agencies.If a candidate has a master's degree in a related area, a minimum of 64 graduate hours, including up to 38 graduate hours of thesis research, must be completed. In consultation with the adviser and advisory committee, the remainder of the 64 graduate hours required for the degree consists of courses selected from inside or outside the department that are appropriate for training in the student's field of specialization. Upon completion of all necessary formal courses and special options, the student is required to take an oral preliminary examination. After passage of the preliminary examination, the student's activities are primarily devoted to thesis research. Upon submission of the dissertation, the candidate is required to pass a final oral examination before a graduate faculty committee.<br>Other research topics are related to nutrition education, dietetics, disease prevention and treatment, and general health and wellness practices.<br>The MS and PHD in Human Nutrition is a STEM-designated program.