African American Studies majors at the University of Mississippi select the following areas of specialization: culture, history, or political & social institutions. You can tailor your exploration of the African and African American experience by choosing from among 60 courses in different disciplines, including anthropology, art history, English, gender studies, history, music, political science, religion, and sociology.<br><br>As the only African American Studies program in Mississippi, you gain a broad understanding of the African American experience as well as skills in social science methodology, research, analysis, writing, and public speaking. William Faulkner said:'To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi.' Here you can interrogate the multiple and complex meanings of the past and modern experiences of African Americans.<br><br>A liberal arts education prepares graduates to deal with complexity and change through a broad knowledge of the world. They gain key skills in communication, problem-solving, and working with a diverse group of people. The top economic sectors for our African American Studies alumni are media/communications, non-profit organizations, business and finance, higher education, hospitality/personal services, STEM employers, law, and K-12 education.