Master of Science in Psychological Science - Gender and Women Studies (Thesis)
  • 学历文凭

    Masters Degree

  • 专业院系


  • 开学时间

  • 课程时长

  • 课程学费



Applicants for admission must be graduates of a recognized university, college, or institute as well as show evidence of scholarly achievement. Except where otherwise stated in the Admission Requirements of a particular program, degree students must have a four year bachelor's degree or its equivalent with at least second class standing (B) based on their last 20 half courses or equivalent.

An applicant holding a degree other than one in the discipline area to which admission is sought will be considered on the basis of courses taken and academic standing. A Qualifying Year at the undergraduate level may be required to meet the admission standards. Courses taken as part of a Qualifying Year can not be used as credit towards a graduate degree.

ApplicantApplicants to the MSc and PhD Psychological Science programs with or without Collaborative Specializations should be aware that THIS IS NOT a degree that will lead to registration as a Psychologist or Psychological Associate in the Province of Ontario, or the title Psychologist in other provinces, and that this degree does not normally lead to direct admission to the PhD program in Clinical Psychology at Lakehead University.
MSc applicants must hold an Honours Bachelor of Arts or Science degree from an approved college or university in Psychology, or related interdisciplinary program, with at least a 70% average (B) based on their last 20 half courses or equivalent.
An undergraduate thesis (or equivalent research experience) is required for admission into the MSc Psychological Science program.
Students who have not completed a degree course in advanced statistics and experimental design will be required to take Psychology 4111 (Statistics for Psychology 3) in addition to the regular requirements for the MSc Psychological Science program.
Offers of admission may include any course prerequisites and/or co-requisites. Within the period outlined in the offer of admission, these courses must be successfully completed with a minimum grade of 70%.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum internet-based score of 100, or a minimum computer-based score of 250, or a minimum paper-based score of 600 with a score of at least 5.0 on the Test of Written Language (TWE), Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) with a minimum score of 90, Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL) with a minimum score of 80

Our minimum admission requirement for international applicants is 75% or 3.0 on a 4 point Canadian scale, with an accredited university degree equivalent to a Lakehead University 4 year degree.





  • 雅思总分:6
  • 托福网考总分:100
  • 托福笔试总分:600
  • 其他语言考试:Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL) with a minimum score of 80
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The Master of Science in Psychological Science is a research-intensive program that addresses all areas of psychology including biological, cognitive, and individual and social bases of behaviour. The Psychological Science curriculum is based on an apprenticeship model, which includes flexible core courses that are appropriate to a student's area of research. Psychology is a fascinating field of study that allows for a wide variety of careers, following various educational pathways. There are many career options available for psychology graduates with an undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science), as well as for those who pursue complimentary and post-graduate diplomas and degrees.<br>The MSc in Psychological Science requires a master's thesis (two full course equivalents), a multivariate statistics course (half-course equivalent), a research methods course (half-course equivalent), four additional half course electives, and the research seminar (a non-credit required course), for a total of five full-course equivalants. Students who have not completed a degree course in advanced statistics and experimental design will be required to take Psychology 4111 (Statistics for Psychology 3) in addition to the regular requirements for the MSc Psychological Science Program. Students conducting thesis research with a supervisor at the Orillia campus must complete the first two semesters of the program at the Thunder Bay campus. During this time the students will take the required courses, attend the research seminar, and complete as many elective courses as possible. Subsequently, it is the joint responsibility of the student and the thesis supervisor to ensure that the Psychology 5600 requirements continue to be met and any remaining elective courses are completed.<br>The Department of Gender and Women's Studies at Lakehead University is dedicated to furthering an understanding of the importance of gender as a category of analysis in scholarly inquiry. Through interdisciplinary instruction, students will critically assess the relevance of existing models of knowledge in reflecting gendered experience and scholarship. The aim of the program is to encourage the development and integration of gendered teaching, learning, and research within the university community and the community at large. This Collaborative Master's program allows students to combine advanced disciplinary research with gendered scholarship from the interdisciplinary field of Gender and Women's Studies. Upon completion of the program, the degree awarded specifies the discipline of the participating academic unit and notes the Specialization in Gender and Women's Studies.


  • 预科


  • 奖学金


  • 实习机会


  • 在校学习


  • 跨境学习


  • 校园授课-线上开始


  • 在线/远程学习



湖首大学拥有超过 85 个本科和研究生课程,为学生提供最好的培养、变革、小型大学体验以及卓越的研究和教学。该大学成立于50多年前,拥有一个包容的社区,大学庆祝所有学生的成功。来自80多个国家/地区的1900多名国际学生在湖首大学就读。建校 50 多年来,湖首大学拥有一个包容的社区,所有学生的成功都会受到表彰。来自 80 多个国家的 1900 多名国际学生就读于湖首大学。湖首大学被誉为全国最美丽的校园之一(《赫芬顿邮报》),在安大略省的桑德湾和奥里利亚设有两个校区。学生们在充满活力的社区中学习和成长,这些社区拥有丰富的城市和文化资源,更不用说加拿大中心地带无与伦比的户外休闲机会。两个校区都为学生提供先进的设施、卓越的教学和研究、学生住宿、全面的学生支持以及各种社会活动。湖首大学是北美学生规模10000 名以下院校中排名第一的大学(2024 年泰晤士高等教育全球影响力排名)。湖首大学是加拿大排名前三的研究型大学(Re$earch Infosource 2023),也是加拿大两所被指定为 ''创新与经济繁荣大学''的大学之一,其在创新、技术转让和社区发展方面的成就得到了认可。该校的商学院获得了 AACSB 国际认证,工程学院是加拿大唯一一所学生只需四年时间就能获得学位和文凭的学院,毕业生在业界备受青睐。




