Women's and Gender Studies students explore diverse topics related to women, gender and sexuality. Students have the opportunity to present their research and participate in the annual Women's and Gender Studies conference and in the Femme Frontera film showcase. The program also connects students with internships, community engagement experiences and study abroad trips. Women's and Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary program for women and men to develop, analyze, and explore an array of multifaceted themes such as women,gender relations, race, and sexuality. Though the Women's and Gender Studies Program was officially created in 1981, UTEP has supported WGS by offering a variety of individual courses since the early '70s.<br><br>UTEP's unique position on the border with Mexico allowsWomen's Studies to offer specialized classes such as la Chicana and the Historyof Latin American women, which explore the rich and often overlooked historyand contributions of Latinas, and give students from both sides of the RioGrande the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the distinctive worldin which they live. We also offer specialized topics in subjects includingQueer studies, Middle Eastern studies, and religious studies.<br><br>Most Women's Studies classes are cross listed with otherUTEP programs such as humanities, film studies, communication, or business tooffer students the chance to specialize their minor to best suit their needs byexploring a variety subjects or by narrowing their focus to a specificdiscipline. Many of UTEP's finest professors team up with Women's Studies tooffer a more comprehensive perspective on their classes Our students whoreceive Women's Studies minors have put their skill to work the areas of socialjustice, non-profit, health, business, and law among many other fields.