The Neuroimaging/Cognitive FAR is designed for students pursuing a professional career in neuroimaging, either in clinical practice or in neuroscience research. The multidisciplinary approach provides training in both basic science and technological principles of modern neuroimaging methods, and in their application to the understanding of neurological function and neurological disorders. The Neuroimaging/Cognitive FAR is comprised of a set of selected core and elective courses designed to provide students with a firm grounding in the theoretical, conceptual, and practical issues involved in studying the human and non-human brain using neuroimaging methods - from the molecular to whole brain human imaging. Core courses allow students to gain an understanding of the physiological principles underlying the types of imaging modalities commonly used to examine micro- and macro- brain structure and function as well as psychologically induced changes in physiological signals. The FAR includes research design and data analysis. Participants will obtain hands-on experience with data acquisition, processing, statistical analysis, and visualization through the use of leading edge graphical workflow environments and image processing software packages. Core courses emphasize the consideration of brain structure and function using modern medical imaging (e.g. MRI, PET, OIS, etc) and related neural recording techniques (e.g. EEG). Across these intensive courses, students will gain a full appreciation of the various cognitive factors that influence patterns of brain activation measured with functional imaging methods (e.g. BOLD, fMRI and PET) as well as becoming familiar with the effects of disease on brain anatomy and integrity. Students will gain exposure to neural tissue imaging methods (e.g. light, confocal, molecular, and related microscopy approaches), their application, and comparative strengths and limitations. At the completion of the Neuroimaging FAR, it is expected that participants will be fully prepared to critique, design, and participate in conducting research studies using a variety of neuroimaging methods, appreciate potentials and limitations of current neuroimaging methods and techniques, better understand the broad range of expertise required in a brain imaging research program, and be positioned well for careers in neuroimaging laboratory research.