Small comfortable, close-knit groups, energetic and cohesive classes, open and articulate students, engaging classroom discussions, dedicated teachers, a place to make lasting friendships. Throughout its rich history the liberal arts tradition has emphasized the acquisition of general knowledge and the development of rational thought and intellectual capacity<br><br>This enriched program stresses the interrelationship of various disciplines, including literature, humanities, history, philosophy, and mathematics. It explores the concepts and issues underling the various branches of human knowledge and encourages students to become successful learners, while also preparing them for a variety of university-level programs.<br><br>The program is a small one where students and teachers form a community. Teachers commit themselves not only to their particular courses but also to the integration of their courses into the program as a whole. In addition, extra-curricular activities enhance the shared pursuit of cultural development. Fieldtrips, theatre and concert outings, as well as museum and cultural visits take place in Montreal, and possibly, other North American and European locations.