Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education (6-12)
Secondary School Report Form including official records of your courses and grades from all secondary schools and universities you have attended. Please note that in order to have complete secondary school records, we need to have records from your ninth grade year (last year of middle or junior high school) as well as your complete senior high school records. These records must be sent directly to us from your school. Certified non-English transcripts or grade reports should be accompanied by official (literal, not interpretive) translations. Generally, William & Mary is looking for a minimum score of 100 on the TOEFL exam which can come from a single test date or from ETS' My Best score calculation. On the IELTS Academic Test, we are looking for an overall band score of 7 or above.
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:7
- 托福网考总分:100
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:William & Mary also welcomes Duolingo exam scores, particularly in instances where an applicant does not have access to the TOEFL or IELTS exams.
Make a difference in the lives of students and families. Be an advocate for equity and expand opportunity as a teacher. Graduates of the teacher education programs at William & Mary are in high demand by school divisions across Virginia and beyond. These alumni are changing lives every day as teacher-leaders.<br><br>Through the second-major program, undergraduate students at William & Mary may pursue a primary major in Arts & Sciences along with a second major in secondary education. Upon graduation, these students are ready to step into the classroom as teachers.<br>Clinical experiences are a complement to and an integral component of the teacher preparation program in the School of Education. Throughout the program, preservice teachers have experiences in a variety of settings and with diverse populations at our partnering public schools. These experiences serve as a bridge between the knowledge, skills, and dispositions developed through formal course work and the practical application of those professional attributes as a teacher candidate and, subsequently, as a classroom teacher.<br><br>In the fall, secondary education candidates complete a minimum of 60 hours in the field, practicing their teaching skills, interacting with students, reflecting on the experiences, and learning about the ecosystem of schools. These field activities prepare candidates for their culminating field experience student teaching. The 15-week, immersive student teaching experience takes place in the spring and is a critical component of our candidates preparation and development as a teacher.
展开 相关申请
威廉玛丽学院被誉为“美国母校” 创立于1693年的威廉玛丽学院是美国历史第二悠久的大学(仅次于哈佛,早于耶鲁),自美国建国以来享有绝对的名望。作为公立常春藤名校之一,W&M曾培养出包括乔治.华盛顿在内的四位美国总统。校内的The Wren Building于1700年建成,之后历经三次火灾仍巍然矗立,是美国目前仍在沿用中年数最长的教学楼。 数不清的第一 威廉玛丽学院是美国历史上第一所学院;威廉玛丽学院是美国第一所拥有完整教职员工的大学,最早的教授阵容包括了一名校长,6位教授,一个门卫和一名书法教师;威廉玛丽学院是美国第一个拥有选课制度的大学;威廉玛丽学院是美国第一所从学院成为大学的学校;威廉玛丽学院是美国第一个开设现代语言学、当代历史学和法学院的大学,等等…… 从2013年美国政府人事任命看W&M的强大 在美国,没有学校敢宣传自己的本科教育强过W&M。著名的Phi Beta Kappa学术精英组织由5名W&M的学生在1776年创建,时至今日,该组织的成员包括17位美国总统, 38位联邦最高法院大法官,136位诺贝尔奖获奖者,著名导演科波拉,前女国务卿赖斯,亚马逊创始人,facebook CEO,等一大批美国精英,是全美影响最广的校园组织。2013年4月,校友Mary Jo White经美国参议院一致同意,担任美国证监会主席。2013年5月,校友Jennifer Psaki被任命为新任美国国务院发言人,在其第一次记者采访亮相中,首次强调美国不能容忍菲律宾对台湾渔民的屠杀并表示遗憾,引起中外高度关注。2013年6月棱镜门事件后,美国总统奥巴马宣布威廉玛丽校友,司法部副部长詹姆斯·科米出任美国联邦调查局下任局长。